Chapter Five

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I shifted my gaze to rhydin and pete who were slightly ahead of me, i made long strides towards them completely  ignoring what was said. lesson number one... don't stare at people who are sucking down each others throats.

"Lets sit over there" pete gestured to a worn out couch at the far end of the room, that was occupied by a guy slouching at one end.

we made our way to the seat, Rhydin sat on the other end and i sat next to him trying to keep my distance from the guy next to me "i'll get us drinks" pete offered and left.

I let out a deep breath "Remind me why you dragged me here again?'' i asked looking around the room, it was spacious and people were everywhere dancing, gyrating to the strong rhythm and tunes.

He gave me a sarcastic stare "because you had nothing better to do.... "he looked around too "you should have brought a date." he continued still looking away from me with a wide grin.

"Yeah right" i rolled my eyes and let out a smile.

Just then pete was back with our drinks "There are several tattoo parlours we should check them out" pete said handing us two red plastic cups half filled, by the smell i could tell it's alcohol.

"Sure, you promised to get one that matches mine" Rhydins reply was smooth and soft to the ears.

Pete bit his lower lip, his gaze not leaving Rhydins.

I didn't have to be a genius to figure out most likely where those promises were made this two were flirting right now oh noo! i cleared my throat "Okay" they both looked at me with flaming cheeks "you two should definitely go do that" i was beginning to feel like an intruder.

"You should come wi...."

"It's fine, really" i cut Pete off with a smile "I'd rather not draw attention to myself."

"If anyone tries to mishandle you call me" Rhydin said his voice tight and with a concerned expression on his face.

I nodded and smiled at the both of them "see, i'm okay now go."

He opened his mouth to protest but closed it and after a few seconds they disappeared from view, i leaned back on the couch and looked around sipping my drink to find some source of entertainment. Someone slamming on to my laps caused me to jerk and pour my drink all over my white vest and part of his head it was the drunk guy who was sitted next to me, i tried to pat his shoulder but realized he was snoring great he passed out i tried to push him off back to the seat but he was heavier than he looked.I was about to give up when an arm roughly grabbed on his jacket and pulled him forward, he went stambling to the crowd of people and a guy pushed him to the floor i looked up in suprise holy shit.

"I wouldn't want someone as pretty as you feeling uncomfortable" her voice was flat as she sat next to me on the couch, too close.

I scooted over to the side a little trying to hide my discomfort "That's kind of you" i said with a plastic smile.

"when i saw you looking over at me earlier, i figured your the shy type that expects to be pursed" her voice was low.

I could feel her eyes piercing the side of my face as i struggled to keep my gaze away from her, she was a girl yes but had a deep husky voice and her dress code was more boyish i figured she was a lesbian tomboy.

I let out a forced snicker "Your girlfriend would not take it lightly that you ditched her to..."

"The girl i was with?" she scoffed "i don't know her, we just met."

This was a good time to run for the hills, "My boyfriend will be back any minute and i'm sure he wouldn't...."

"I'll keep you company untill he's back" she cut me off again and licked her lower lip letting her gaze drift all over my features.

That was it, i stood up abruptly but she quickly stood before me. "Your not trying to get rid of me,are you?" she said harshly.

I was feeling really uncomfortable i had to do something fast, Pete and Rhydin weren't coming back anytime soon and i'm afraid if i take out my phone to call them she'll go ballistic. I saw a guy passing by at the edge of my vision and quickly grabbed his hand at the first chance i got.

"Babe!" i said in between gritted teeth as i struggled to cover my shock, the guy who stood  before me had three piercings on his face and tattoos all over his neck and arms which were visible since he was in a sleeves T-shirt "you really took your time" my eyes gestured at the chic infront of me. I crossed my fingers he'd just play along with my little charade.

"The queue to the toilets was.." he stopped and my heart beat rapidly, maybe he changed his mind i could feel my palms sweat "Is there a problem here babe" he emphasized 'babe'.

Relief floaded all over me and i held his elbow slightly, he was muscular and sweaty really sweaty "No" i looked at him with a plastic smile then back to her "she was just leaving" i said coldly.

She gave me a hard stare but walked away, when i was sure she was out of sight i let go of the strangers elbow and let my gaze fall on the ground "uh-oh! sorry about that" i murmured he looked scary enough and frankly i didn't want to see what he'd look like when pissed off.

There was a moment of silence between us i could feel him standing there but he hadn't said a word to me, was he daring me to look at him don't look, don't... i met his gaze but he wasn't angry he had a smirk on his face.

"What?" i asked.

"You owe me one" he smiled pleasantly "i'm wolf" he stretched out his hand for me.

"Wolf?" i raised my brows and we shook hands warmly.

"It's a nickname" he added with a whisper."

"I'm Dawn," i let out softly "thank you for playing along."

"I've been in a lot of similar situations, girls say i look like a goon."

"Considering all the piercings and tatoos i'd totally agree you look scary" we both laughed lightly."

"I think you need to change your top" he was fighting a smile, the top clung on my breasts revealing my black bra shit "i have an extra sweatshirt" he said carefully "come with me Dawn."

I gave him an astonished look and raised my eye-brows.

"I can't possibly harm you there are people everywhere, besides if i remember correctly i just saved your butt" he gave me a charming smile.

Without another word he turned and walked towards the crowd of people, i had to decide fast don't think too much he's gay  besides i do really need his sweatshirt.


(Check out zewen lee in chapter one, he's just...... *i'm speechless just go see for yourself)

Press the small star below and see the magic...... don't i just love you


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