Chapter four

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She giggled "Oww Don" her voice was low and seductive "Your my hero" and she smeared her lipstick all over his cheek.

She was dressed in a red knee high dress exposing her back, i could tell it's designer made which she paired with black ankle boots. Dad didn't seem comfortable as his eyes slid from her to look at us nervously "I didn't think you kids were home" he said a wary smile escaping his lips.

ofcourse you didn't, ever since mum died that's all you not think. He started drinking, violence (he has fought with one too many people,lincon included), not sleeping home, going out with random women for pleasure and a good time. I was too busy over thinking that i didn't even realize they were now sitted and he was talking to Lincon and ah... whatever her name is was right next to him clutching his elbow like her life depended on it.

"I want you to go out have dinner" he continued, he put his hand in his coat and pulled out his leather wallet.

"But we already ate" i cut in looking at my nails.

Completely ignoring me he took some notes and stretched out his  hand to Lincon "Here go out have fun, celebrate your being home after a long time son."

He reluctantly takes it and gives me and rhydin a stare "Su...r...e."

"I'm not going, i'm grounded remember"  i gave him a challenging stare.

"And if i remember the rules" he looks over to rhydin then back at me "Your not supposed to have any friends over."

The room was silent for a while lincon stood up and gestured for me and rhydin to follow, this was expected of him as much as he would defend me in any situation he would first try everything in his power to avoid it. I stood up first but stopped before i could take a step.

"Are you really that desperate?" i took a few steps towards him,"You could easily go to a hotel room."

He glared at me "This is my house young lady, i don't need a seventeen year old trying to dictate my life."

"The least you should do is respect your marital bed, our home" i went on, my hands flying all over the place "This is not some brothel that you bring..."

He cut me off  "Watch your mouth," he stood up and loosening his tie.

"Or what? you'll hit me" tears stung my eyes "Like you hit her for standing upto you."

Lincon walked to me and held my hand in his, "Not now." I could feel rhydins hand at the small of my back.

"Watch how you talk to your father" she stood and walked next to him then played around with his tie.

"This is a family matter stay out of it" Lincon said his tone warning.

"Sleeping with my father doesn't give you the right to poke your whore ass in...."

Before i could realize it her hand was caught in mid air by rhydin, a gasp escaped my lips she wanted to hit me i looked over to my father who was a few steps behind her expecting him to defend me or atleast say something..anything but he didn't he just stood there. Tears escaped and i tried to hold them back, she pulled her hand out of rhydins grasp and walked back to my father.

"That will teach you some manners" she said her back still facing away from us and wrapped her arms around him placing her head on his shoulder "Take me home love, i've had enough drama for one night."

What has he turned into my own father is a monster, i pulled out my hand from Lincons hold who had squeazed it trying to contain his anger and i ran to my room without looking back.

"They left" rhydin said stepping inside my room after a while.

"I don't care" i was sitted on the floor curled up, my hair falling to my sides like curtains blocking me from his view.

He sat next to me and didn't try to stir up conversation, it was better this way i didn't want him to see that i was crying. He has been around more times during our petty fights than i can count, it's almost natural for him to know what to expect. Suddenly his phone plays into the classic man remix i couldn't help but smile it's so him and by that i mean Kendrick, too bad he doesn't eat the pussy for his nourishment though.

"I have to pick up this call, its Pete" he placed his hand on my knees in a comforting gesture "I'll be right back."


"What are you doing?" Rhydin asked staring at me like i just lost it, clothes were lying everywhere on my bed, on the floor on my make-up table.

"Looking for something to wear" i gave him a grin "We're going out."

"Did i miss something" he gave me a questioning look raising his eyebrows.

"Pete invited us for a party and it would be rude of us to turn him down, so we're going" i answered trying on a pair of heels.

"Were you eves dropping? and technically he invited me not us" he said jokingly.

"Either way you would have asked me to come because of the sweet sweet guy you are" i wiggled my lashes trying to look cute and convincing.

"Are you sure about this" he gave me a hard stare before resuming "I don't even think you'll like the party."

I inched closer to him "I just don't want to be here."

"Your angry and your looking for a let-out" he seemed concerned "Don't do anything rush."

"Can you stop mothering me" i whined.

He let out a deep sigh "If it will make you feel any better okay, we will just have to make a few stops."

I was already hugging him and kissing his right check "yes, yes i'll be done in a few" i stepped back to looked at him "Your the best."

He let out a smile "Don't get all flirty on me, i'll call Pete and tell him i changed my mind."

Rhydin is always against me doing crazy shit, he believes i have low tolerance, that my tough act will finally crumble, that one day everything will come back and bite me in the ass. After i was done we headed out, i tried looking for lincon but it seems he had also left so i opted to text him incase he got worried. We took Rhydins silver convertible and passed by his house so he could have a change in clothes since he had already showed earlier at my place and then met up with Pete. The ride was cheerful and lively, we talked about a lot of stuff Pete was a nice guy his short dark hair was neatly styled, his eyebrows were shaped, i loved the way he put his hand in an inclined position above his top lip whenever he laughed. He was so feminine hell, more feminine than i ever am.

After a long drive which almost took forever we we're finally here, pop music blasted out from the speakers i could almost feel the ground vibrate as i stepped out of the car and a strong smell of pot flared up my nostrils. I looked around and i had no idea where we were, it's not like i didn't party..i did lots of it since i turned fifteen but not in places that looked like a druggies home.

Two guys holding hands walked right past us as we we're making our way to the entrance, people were shouting, drunk and doing all sorts of crazy stuff. On the stair way a couple kissed passionately for a moment i almost felt jealousy sweep over me, the chic with blonde hair pulled away and the dim lighting hit her partners face, i let out a gasp i must have been staring hard cause now she was looking at me.

"You want some?" She winked at me with a smug expression.


(Check out Zewen lee, in chapter one isn't he just charming????)

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