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I drew my inspiration from these lovely souls KarismaJanai
Plus everyone else that has my book in their library or reading list ⓛⓞⓣⓢ ⓞⓕ ⓛⓞⓥⓔ


Wolf was leaving that was why he had all of us meet up at his tattoo studio for his 'big announcement' as he called it how ironical. He was going to be an apprentice under a reputable artist in Florida which came as a shock to all of us he is remarkable and every damn bit as good as any other tattooist. We all established that after Jake had to literally strip to showcase his talent by that i mean down to his briefs. I had to admit that was a daring move but he wanted to prove a point we all did.

At the end of it all it was his career and his decision. Being a tattoo artist as i came to understand was something he lived for and would take to his grave, he wanted to make a name for himself in the industry. It wasn't about the money but more of personal satisfaction which really made me wonder what the hell i was doing with my life.

I stole a glance at the clock on the front wall and sighed wearily. I had barely been in the geometry lesson for more than twenty minutes but it felt like a decade and i was bored to death. My phone blinked twice indicating a message that caught my attention.

Elsie: Your supposed to be here already, where are you?

Me: In school i have classes it's on a freaking wednesday.

Elsie: Your annoying, you were to skip classes today remember!!

Me: Already told you i can't, dumb school rules.

Elsie: You're such a party-pooper, forgot your a twelfth grader. I'll let the guys know, you owe me. Kisses :-*

I stared blindly ahead thinking how funny it is that we easily got along, everyone of them had quite the personality. Jake was a sweet bar of chocolate beneath his rogue exterior, Kayden was more of the silent type with a bad boy charm which was a shocker because Elsie was loud and aggressive but in a toned down way. The rest of the day whooshed by in a blur, i couldn't get it out of my head how much fun they were having before Wolf boards his flight.


This is the second time this week Lincon was late to pick me up, i was seated on the bleachers overlooking the senior parking area. Dad and i had an argument, as usual he confiscates everything including the Bentley. It's not fair i know because Lincon got me that car with his salary, but Dad would argue its his company his money.I would have caught a ride with Amanda or Becka but lately i've had a redefined meaning of the word friendship. Rhydin was still keeping his distance which had me worried but i didn't nag, he'll come around eventually.

Mayshylar plopped beside me as he watched me unwaveringly which made me really uncomfortable. Dammit! he was making his feelings too obvious.

I stood up to leave after exchanging five minutes of silence but he grasped my wrist "I'd hate to presume you've been avoiding me" his voice flat

"I'm not" i said evenly and slanted him a look

"We used to sit like this for hours and now you can't even spare me ten minutes" he pulled me back gently so i was seated next to him.

"That was then, change is inevitable" i said looking towards him but not quite at him my mind was clogged up. He had made his intensions clear yet here i was acting like i didn't have a clue. I was begining to feel more than a little foolish. I should have handled the situation differently.

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