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Sorry I took long guys...
Enjoy :)

Don't pick up the speed
Let's not ruin this
Withered flowers don't bloom
Perfect stranger with the blue eyes. 
         Lulu *poetic reigns*


Crashing waves
So daunting with no grace
Beautiful with no shame

I glared down at the notepad on my desk mentally reading the words I wrote down over and over again. I let out a frustrated groan and tore the sheet of paper crumpling it in hand not even close I thought as I let it slip out of my hold landing on the concrete floor. Channeling my emotions into writing has always been effortless but right now something I couldn't quite comprehend was going to drive me insane.

My eyes darted across the room as I unconsciously bit on the cap of my pen. A scrawny boy with dirty brown curly hair and geeky glasses stood at the front explaining something but I couldn't make out most of what he was saying. Almost half the class didn't seem interested too but the other half were all eyes on him keenly listening as they noted down stuff.

I inhaled a sharp breath, this was my cue to start over it wasn't much but maybe this was the fresh start I needed. That's why I was currently locked down on my pen and book trying to turn my messed up emotions into something I could relate to, well at least keep my sanity at bay. I gripped on the pen again letting it decipher my thoughts on the next plain sheet.

Swinging on the pendulum
And I could swear your eyes
Burn their way like a cigarette stamp
But its just a mark
Is it supposed to be wort--

I crossed off the words aggressively and almost tore a page or two, what is wrong with you-haven't you learnt anything by now? I need to get him out of my head, that was exactly what I need to do but I couldn't. Closing my eyes in defeat I reminecent of two nights ago my thumb gently caressing the notepad with my fingers protectively wrapped around it.

I kissed him the words that rang at the back of my mind all this while. The scene was vaguely familiar to that of a mistake that haunted me one that I couldn't rid myself of. I shut my eyes tighter hoping to erase all the memories and hurt creeping in, I had it all shut out for so long I can't break down not now. I felt my heart shrinking as tears stung at the back of my closed eyelids.

I quickly snapped my head up a single tear trailing down my cheek as the little book was swiped off my hold and on to the teachers tight grip. "Day dreaming ain't we" she snarled inspecting the little notebook and I quickly wiped away the wet trail on my cheek. "If you don't find any of this interesting, I will not have you utterly disrespect me" I stared up again only to find myself in a stare off with the wrinkled woman towering over me. "My office now" she added her voice harsh and impersonal just as the bell rechorted indicating it was lunch break.

I quietly followed her like a submissive child as she stepped out of the room. I managed to walk around the hallway without faltering, not that I was scared but embarrassed what would Victoria say if she found out. We got to her office in less than two minutes, it was plain as in dull someone needs to live a little but it was also quite neat had all the regular stuff you'd expect to find in an ordinary office, stack of books, folders, files, a computer, printer, photocopy machine and other office supplies.

"So" she drawled balancing thin sleek black framed glasses on the bridge of her nose, while trying to have a look at my leather poetry book "What do we have here?" she continued flipping over the pages taking just about enough time to study them. At that moment I felt vulnerable and emotionally exposed to her, she looked up at me and closed the book "I think I'll hold on to this" she declared

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