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Kyla drove me into town as promised. I hooked up with Elsie at a cafe where we grabbed coffee before driving here in less than an hour, she was really impressed by the paintings hanging on the walls though she confessed to have never been ecstatic about art before. I withheld the fact that they were all Victoria's brilliant free-hand designs because I didn't want her to make a big deal of it. I  glanced at my reflection in the bathroom mirror once more before stepping out.

"Alright I hear you" I walked in on Elsie talking on the phone sounding a little pissed. She was lying on my bed facing the ceiling with one arm under her head and the other holding the phone against her ear.

I walked over to my dressing table and scanned inside for what to wear depending on what my mood would draw me to. "She's just grabbing a couple of stuff and we'll be there in no time" Elsie said tonelessly and I decided to pull out a black lacy bra and matching panties.

I quickly took off my gown and pulled them on managing to slide into the gown just as she was hanging up. I didn't bother to wrap it around me like I normally would. "That was Kay and he is so getting on my nerves right now" she said sitting up and I giggled. He'd called her over five times already and something told me he won't stop calling until we get there.

"He's just worried" I mumbled racking through my closet. I hadn't decided what to wear yet so I just pulled out black fitting jeans.
"Kayden never worries, he's probably under a lot of pressure from the most impatient person I know" she said rolling her eyes with puckered lips and I couldn't help but laugh at the goofy expression.

"Jake?" I asked turning to face her. As I remembered how he threw a tantrum the first time we met but she shook her head.  My bond with Elsie has gone over the roof in the short span of time we've known each other and to have as a friend means so much to me than she'll ever know.

"You'll meet him as soon as we get there" she answered with a suggestive smile and I raised my brow at her pulling the jeans over my legs.

"What's that face for?" she asked stifling a laugh.

"I should be asking you that"

"Welllllllll" she drawled "He is just attractive, very attractive" she continued through gritted teeth.

"Do you happen to have a thing for this guy?" I asked fighting a smile.

Her eyes went wide in surprise "No, I would never go there" she said solemnly "He's like a brother to me".

"Good, because you have a boyfriend".

"And he means everything to me" she said sincerely and I smiled at her.

I turned to the closet and pulled out two tops. A white one with words printed on top and a light pink tank top, I couldn't decide which one I wanted so I turned holding both of them to my chest. "White or pink?" I asked.

"The tank top would look really sexy but I love the white vest 'It's leviOsa not leviosA'" she read the writings with a satisfied grin. I took off the gown and walked over to the bed placing it on the metal railing then pulled the vest over my head.

"Nice boobs" she complimented with a wink.

"These" I scoffed. I mean they're nice and all but nothing to make a fuss about. "That's what guys consider nice" I said gesturing to her chest. Her breasts were twice my size with a full on cleavage clearly visible from her, translucent vest.

"They aren't as exciting as they seem. Trust me" she said and I shrugged. What do I know about guys and boobs anyway.

I pulled on grey sneakers and grabbed a black leather jacket and sling bag before we stepped out of my room making our way downstairs, we heard keys shuffling at the front door right before Victoria walked in. Her heels and car keys were on one hand while her handbag and house keys were on the other.

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