How to Love

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"Screening room, for music videos?" I say out of the blue.

"Yes!" Chloe screams.

"Yassss betch!" Korbin yells out.

"Definitely! Come on you savages!" Christina says as she stands up.

We've been watching T.V. all day, and for the past two hours, Ridiculousness is what's been on. That's completely okay, in all of our opinions I think. We get up and head to the basement. Colt has it set up so he can Bluetooth the screening system to a phone or something. James grabs my hand and Colt opens the basement door. Chloe and Christina walk down the steps first and Jason follows with Korbin. James and I walk down and Matt, Emmy, and Colt follow.

There are a couple of air mattresses and a bunch of pillows. The floor dips down in the middle of the room and there are tons of bean bags and pillows, basically whatever is fluffy, in there. That's where a few of us head to. Chloe and Christina are already sitting there. I turn on my phones Bluetooth and James sits down on the air mattress. I sit beside him and lean against the wall. I put my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. I start messing with my phone to find a song. My favorite song: How to Love, by Lil' Wayne.

Colt walks over to the screening system and starts screwing around with it. Korbin lays on the side of the mattress and I put my legs on his stomach. He throws his arms over my legs and closes his eyes. I go to YouTube and search the song. It's the second one to pop up. I click it and let it load. Colt finishes the setting up the projector and I press play.
      We watched it and talked. We sang along and Christina danced. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I still need to update the tweet I put on Twitter. It says my house, that's not happening. It'll be at Colt's house.
"Can we have the New Year's Eve party here?" I ask Colt.
"Hey, you live here too now. I'm not the only one to make decisions." He smiles.
      I smile really big. I finally have a real family. I got to choose this one. I think I did a pretty good job too. I can't go to Twitter on my phone or it will stop the music, so I look at James.

"Can I use your phone?" I whisper.

      He smiles and pulls it out of his pocket. He has a nice Samsung. He broke his old iPhone, his mom was pissed, but she got over it, obviously. I turn it on and put in the passcode. He hasn't changed it for a while, so I know it by now. I seem to always steal his phone for some reason or another, so he kind of gave up and just told me the password for it. He didn't want to have to put it in every time I needed something stupid. I scroll through his apps until I find Twitter. He doesn't seem to care that I have his phone, I could go through it, do anything. He trusts me. 

"You remember you Twitter password right?" I ask.

"No, but don't you?" He replies.

"I guess you're right, nevermind." I smile.

      I log out of his and into mine. I delete the post about the New Year's Eve party at my place. I don't exactly live in the same house anymore. The post has 297 retweets. The latest one was just two minutes ago. 

New plans! Party at my new house! Hope you bitches know where -SHAMWOW lives. If not, just DM me or someone who knows! Bring some booze if you can!!! Happy New Years bitches! 🍾🍷🍻

      I press the post button and wait. Two minutes later, there are already 23 retweets and a few DM's on my Instagram. They pop up on my phone. I turn off my Bluetooth and turn James' on. I go to YouTube and hand the phone to Korbin to find some good music. My phone dings and I look at who texted me.

Mom: How are you doing?

Me: I'm great actually, hbu?

Mom: I'm staying at your grandmothers, how do you think? 😑🙄😂

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