What To Do, What To Do...

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      I turn down the radio, it's almost full blast. We're driving in the direction of my house and I still don't know what we're going to do. Since we're already heading towards the house, might as well go there.

"Chloe, grab my phone, and text Dani." Chloe grabs my phone and puts in my passcode.

"And good god, put on a different song! Maybe... Only, by Nicki." I tell her with a smile.

      This is more our type of music. We listen to a lot of rap, the whole group likes it. Lil Wayne, Tupac, Snoop, and Nicki. Those are the main rappers we listen to. We're so basic here! The car is pretty crowded. It's a good thing this car doesn't have a compartment in the front middle, because that's where Chloe is sitting. Christina is sitting right beside her, doing some kind of random ass dance. She does that a lot. Random dancing and odd, judge-mental faces are her specialties. You gotta love her, she's so entertaining and really knows how to put on a happy face. She may not always be happy, but if you didn't know her like I do, you'd think her life was perfect. That's why all her haters, can just hate. They don't know her, they never will. One day, they'll learn, every single one of them.

"Is Dan still at school?" Chloe asks.

"No, she's "sick". That's why you need to tell her we're on our way home." I tell her.

"Oh, aight." Chloe says as she types something to Dani.

"Hey, you got any food at home?" Colt asks, glassy eyed.

"Yeah." I say laughing at him. He smiles at the rear view mirror and looks back to James, continuing whatever the conversation was.

"What'd Dan say?" I ask Chloe. 

"She said cool, and she'll be in the kitchen. She's cooking tacos." Chloe says giggling.

"YESSSS!!" Colt yells. 

      He's high as hell. I love when Colt's high though, he's pretty chill and hilarious! Everyone starts to laugh and Colt just smiles. He seems pretty proud of himself, making everyone smile and all. James looks at Colt, and straight up slaps him. This is how we tell how high Colt is. Colt stares at James, with a blank face for a second. After a while, Colt starts cracking up. He's higher than the Empire State! James slapped him pretty hard too, Colt has a handprint across his left cheek. 

      By now, Christina is cracking up and Chloe is bent over herself laughing. Korbin is leaning against the window with tears streaming down his face, and James can't breath. His face is red and he's gasping for breath. Colt's still giggling to himself, and I have to pull over just so we don't wreck. The things that happen when we're all together, I mean seriously. How hard is it to have normal friends? I guess this is my normal though, most teenage girls would hate his group of people, but I love it. Never a dull moment moth the MF squad. It's where losers unite...

     After about five minutes, we're all calmed down and I can start driving again. We're about a mile from my house, and you can already see it. We live in the country, so the only thing blocking me from seeing my whole house, is the trees. I take the car out of park, and start to drive the rest of the way to my house. They've all been here before, we hang out here a lot. Just last weekend, we all went swimming in my pond and passed out in the sand. 

      I pull into our long driveway, and park in the parking spot for the Camero. I shut off the car and open my door. I grab my phone and unplug it from the aux cord, I hop out, and everyone follows. We walk up the steps and into the house. It feels so good inside. The guy finally came and fixed the air. I see Dani in the kitchen and kick off my Vans. I set them on the rug and start to walk to the kitchen. Colt finally walks his slow ass in the door, and James shuts it behind him. You don't have to take your shoes off in the house, but everyone says it's so nice that they feel weird wearing shoes, so everyone takes their shoes off. James and Colt head to the living room, Chloe comes to the kitchen with me, and Christina and korbin are just standing in the entrance talking.

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