When the Going gets Tough

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We're pulling into the drive of my old house. The song Born to Die is playing. Lana Del Rey. She's an amazing artist, her music is beautiful. It's so real, honestly relatable. I park the Camero and give myself a little pep talk in my head. I take the keys in my hand, and slowly open the door. Chloe does the same. James is stuck in the back until someone gets out, so I move the front seat when I'm standing outside of the car.

James steps out, at the same time, Chloe slams her door. When James is out, he puts the seat back and shuts my door. Chloe walks over to my side. We're just standing there, in a little group, staring at the big house. It's dark, there are not lights on in the house. No ones home, thank god. James grabs my hand and Chloe and I nod at each other. We all start walking towards the beautiful porch. Chloe is the first up the stairs, I'm the second. James is the last, he follows closely behind me. He acts like someone is going to pop out and try to murder me, he's being really protective.

Chloe holds her hand out. For the keys I'm guessing, so I hand them to her. She unlocks the door and I hear a click. She turns the handle and holds the door open for all of us. James and I walk inside, hand in hand. I let go of it and head to the stairs. Chloe joins me and I hear the front door shut. I turn on the stairway light and we walk up my fluffy stairs.

I always kept my bedroom door locked, so I grab the key on my keychain. I put the key in the lock and turn it until it clicks. I take the key out and turn the doorknob. I push the door open and search for the light switch in the dark room. It's to the left of my door and I flip it on. The room lights up and we all walk in.

"Okay, Chloe, I'll get some bags. Go in my closet and start getting all of my clothes." I quietly say.


"I want this room to look like a guest bedroom by the time we leave..." I say.

I walk over to my bed and bend down. I look under and get all the duffle bags and backpacks I have. I get a pink Under Armour duffle bag, one black Under Armour duffle and a gray one, a purple Eddie Bauer mountain bag, a Nike draw string, another Nike duffle bag, two VS bags, and two Adidas backpacks. I throw them, one at a time, on top of my old bed. It's still made.

Chloe walks out with an armful of shirts and tank tops. James is opening all of my bags and sitting them in a line on the bed. Chloe sets the shirts by the pillows and heads back into the closet. I start picking up all the shirts and folding them. James does the same, and we do this in silence for a while. Every once and a while, a noise will come from the closet. Chloe walking, picking up or dropping hangers, she fell once I think.

James and I finish folding all the shirts and putting them into two bags. Chloe walks out with all my jeans and shorts. They were in my dresser, so they're already folded. She sets them by the pillows and walks away again. She waits for me by the closet. I zip up the two bags that have my shirts in them, and put them by the door.

"Can you put my jeans and stuff into my pink Under Armour bag?" I ask.

"Yeah." He smiles.

"If they don't all fit, use the gray one too." I say.

Most of my jeans are at Colt's house, so I think they should fit into one bag. I grab the two Victoria's Secret bags, and head to the closet with Chloe. I walk over to my dresser and put all the pairs of bras and underwear into the bag. There's a lot of room left, so I open the second drawer and stuff all of my socks into the bag too. I zip the bag shut, and toss it to the closet door.

I walk back over to the dresser and open all of the drawers, just to make sure nothing is left in them. Chloe is collecting the rest of my shoes, most are at the house, but I left a few pairs of Uggs and sandals.all of my Vans and Chucks were already taken to Colt's. I walk over to the other side of my closet, where I had my hoodies. There are seven over there, Dani had some and there are probably some left in her room. I'll have to go get the rest of her things. I take all the hoodies off their hangers and walk to James, who is zipping my pink Under Armour duffle bag. He puts it with the other two bags and holds out his arms, waiting for me to hand him the hoodies.

And so it Took my Breath Away...Where stories live. Discover now