After the whole scene I went to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. There wasn't much to make; maybe some Mac' 'n' Cheese, but there wasn't a lot for a meal. I opened the fridge and there wasn't anything there either. I grabbed a glass from the dish washer and got some ice water.
"Colt!" I hollered into the living room.
"Yeah?" H walked into the kitchen.
"There isn't much food, and I need a break from pizza. Do you wanna go to Walmart later? Like, after Anne gets here. Mom should've fed her, it's pretty late for dinner."
"Sure, when is she coming?"
"Mom said she was on her-" I got cut off by the doorbell. "Guess she's here now." I smiled.
I walked out of the kitchen to the glass front door; Anne looked so happy, I couldn't believe how much I missed her. She had gotten a hair cut; a short bob with adorable layers. It made her hair look curlier; it was completely adorable. She ran straight into the door when she saw me, and she almost knocked me over when she hugged me.
"Well hi there short stack!" I tease her all the time.
"I'm not short; Mom says you're short, and I'll be the tallest one soon." She stuck her hands on her hips and pursed her hips. "Look at my new hair cut Ali!" She was so excited.
"I see that! How cute!" I say as she walks over to Dani.
I couldn't help but laugh and give mom a smile. She had a sad smile on her face; I couldn't tell what it was for, but I just walked over and gave her a hug. I miss her too. A lot actually... Mom had tears in her eyes, but I acted like I didn't notice. Anne was hugging her our sister, and Colt was walking into the entrance with a glass of something. I couldn't tell what it was through the glass, but by the face he made when he took a drink I knew it wasn't something sweet. He probably had a rum and coke or something.
"How about we get ready to make a trip to Walmart, Anne. Or do you want to stay here with Dan?" I ask.
"I don't like shopping, mommy takes too long." She has a funny face when she announces this, and it makes us all laugh.
"Okay, you can stay here and Colt and I will go." I walk over to mom.
"When do you want her back?" I ask.
"Depends on how long you want her." She laughs.
"How about I keep the rambunctious kid for two or three days?" I volunteer for a handful, but I missed the little one.
"Sounds good to me, but I want phone calls!" She says this more to Anne than me.
"Okay!" Anne, Dani, and I all say.
A few minutes later we're all saying goodbye to mom, and she's walking to her car. I walk into the kitchen, and Colt is in there finishing his drink. I can smell it now, and I was right about the drink being rum. Colt rinses the glass and puts it in the kitchen sink.
"Ready?" I ask him.
"As I'll ever be." And we walk to the front door.