Sky Walker

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      The bus is pretty cool I guess. I mean, it can be weird at times, but today was cool! The bus driver hates us all and the cameras are spray painted blue. The driver doesn't even know though! He's never cared or paid attention, so we do whatever. It's a good thing he never looks at the camera, if he did, we'd be screwed. Morgue and I are the ones who sprayed the cameras with blue spray paint. (We call him Morgue because he's hilarious and practically dead already, it's sad but it's heartwarming!) The only reason we sprayed the cameras, is because we didn't wanna get caught fucking around! Fucking around could be anything, in most cases, it's just being stupid teenagers, but in others, that dumb blue paint, has saved our asses!

     My friend Jason Trip came home with me today, our moms have been friends since before we were born. We grew up together, even lived together for three years. It was from sixth grade to eighth grade. We had sex for the first time together in eighth grade. Our moms never even found out, but we've always been really good at hiding things, just not from each other. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him! He was supposed to help me with my geometry homework. We both knew more would happen than just homework though.

      I always sit with either Duncan War, or Trent Formal. I've been friends with them since sixth grade. When I first met Trent, it was because there was nowhere else to sit on the bus, so I had to sit by him and his girlfriend of the moment. He never really dates anyone anymore. There for a while, everyone thought we were dating. We dated once but not long enough for anything good to happen. A few kisses and a sad goodbye was quick to come. When we broke up, we stopped talking for a while. Then, one day something bad happened, and he was the only person I could think to talk to.

      Duncan, he's something else. I also met him on the bus. He's a month older than me, but we're both 16. We hang out on the weekends a lot. Whenever we hang out, were usually with Emmy and her boyfriend Matt. Duncan and Matt have known each other since third grade, and you can tell! Emmy and I are close, we met in fourth grade. The first time she fucked a guy, I knew the next day, and that was only because I had to leave her house the night before. 

      In seventh grade, when we were all hanging out, Duncan asked what my middle name was. He always thought it was Renae for some reason. When I told him, he died. So did Matt and Emmy, but they already knew, they just loved to hear my name. Duncan's response was, "Alice. Sky. Walker. Seriously?!" . I looked him straight in the eyes and just said, "The force is not strong with this one...". Emmy saw it coming, it's the same thing I said to her when she asked in fourth grade. 

      Ever since then, I've always been called Sky-Walker.  Any shirt I get to have a name on it says    "SKY-WALKER" and the number "7" on it. Even the teachers call me that. I'm the only person in our schools that can get away with writing something other than my first and last name on my papers! I've gotten all A's since third grade. I've never been a nerd or anything, it's just that everything comes easy to me. I'm the star of our show choir, but I suck in sports. All I can do is dance, but I'm pretty good at it.

      I have long blonde hair that curls perfectly. Not a day goes by when I don't get my hair touched and  give someone my " bitch smile" as Christina calls it. She makes the same face when she watches people though. I wore a C cup in sixth grade, but today as a sophomore, I wear a 34-D. I've always had big boobs, and a nice ass. Everyone tells me that. All the girls hate me, and all the guys wanna smash with me. I liked it in the begining, now I don't know I guess. It's nice to be wanted by all the guys, but it gets annoying how desperate they can be! Seriously, today only, I was asked to give 4 BJ's, asked for sex 2 times, and smacked on the ass 5 times! None of the teachers at Rigdemount High give a shit. There's sex in the halls, and when you walk into the bathrooms, it's like walking into a steam room! It's not steam though, it's only my friends smoking all of my  pot, without me. 

      If you've ever seen "fast times at Rigdemount High", then you'll understand what our school is like. It's not exactly like that though, but I mean, the school is literally called "Ridgemlunt High School"! I think the teachers will eventually understand...



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