Fast Times

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      James and I have first and fifth period together. The only reason we don't have every class together, is because they don't mix girls and boys in language anymore. They used to, but the state said it wasn't allowed anymore. They stopped this year, and it probably won't go back to how it was.

      It's almost time for third period by now and I need to find James. Whenever stupid stuff like this happens, I go to him. He usually tells me how stupid or arrogant the guy is. I don't think he's ever really liked the guys I've been with, but he knows how to make me smile when I'm down. It really helps to have a friend like James. It also helps when you work with that friend.

      The bell rings and very one is out of their classrooms in three seconds flat. Passing period at Rigdemount is great, we have a pretty good amount of time between classes. Most schools only have about four to six minutes for passing period, Ridgemount has ten minutes. This way the classes are shorter, and the teachers don't have to deal with us as long. We all know that's why the principal said yes to more time. People use this time to go make out with their ex's bestfriend and their best friends ex. Some use the ten minutes to get high with their friends, especially if they're coming down. That's why we call the passing period "high tide". 

      It's been two minutes and you can already hear the girls screaming, the guys laughing, and smell the lovely scent of my legal Mary Jane. I keep looking around, trying to find James. I don't see him, but I do see Colt, James bestfriend, and another person in the "baking" buisness. That means James shouldn't be far behind. They always seem to be able to find each other, no matter what. 

"Hey yo Colt!" I yell down the hall. He looks up from his phone and heads my way with a smile on his face.

"What's up Sky-Walker?" He asks, pretty chill.

"Not much Colt. Hey, you know where James is?" I ask. I really need to talk to James, I need some help and I'm pretty sure he'll beat Adams ass for me.

"Nah, I haven't seen him since first period." 

"Could you help me find him?" I asked. Colt smiles and nods his head.

"Sure, you got it dude!" Colt responds with a smile.

      He says it all the time. Whenever he does, I tell him not to go all full house on me. He's a really good friend too, we'd take the fall for each other any day. We need to have another buisness meeting, we haven't had on for about a week. We usually have two meetings per week, but we've all been busy this week. We really need to talk about my stupid uncle, he's in a prison for being busted with a pound of weed.

"We're having a buisness meeting today, at three. Be there dude!" I tell Mason.

"Warehouse, right?" He asks. 

"Yep, same as always." I matter of factly say. He smiles, and gives me a thumbs up.

      We turn the corner and I see James. I run up to him and give him a hug. I think he can already tell something's up. He gives Colt a fistbump and a look. Colt nods, and walks off. James is good at knowing when something's wrong. He takes me to the commons. Nobody is ever there, so that's where my stoner friends usually are. Basically, those are my only friends, and most of them work in the buisness with me. 

      The commons in Ridgemount are pretty hidden. You have to go through a long hall, that basically, only the janitors use. Sometimes you see a teacher walking from one of the supply closets, usually, if you wait long enough, you'll see another teacher walk out of the same closet. We all know what goes on down here. After you go through the long hall, you turn right and straight ahead are the commons doors.

And so it Took my Breath Away...Where stories live. Discover now