the roof

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a/n : this was supposed to be up earlier but i slept.
also the youtube feature isn't working so just go on youtube and search "the xx angels bashki remix" (it's the one with the pretty waves on the thumbnail)
you don't have to listen while you read. i just need you all to listen to it bc it will change your life i promise.
For years I had used the roof of my Los Angeles apartment building as an escape from my anxiety; from people; from life.
I would usually go up there to listen to music and write.
One day in November, my mom and my dad got into a huge fight. I had escaped to the roof just before the sun set.
Next to me sat a book bag filled with a blanket, a pillow, my journal and my phone.
I spread the blanket out and plopped down on top of it, watching as the blazing California sun bended out into a mural of pink, purple and orange.
I pulled out my phone and turned on my music. I didn't bother putting in headphones; nobody else was there to listen. It was just my space. My favorite remix of Angels by the XX filled my ears, calming me to a certain extent.
I opened my journal and mindlessly started scribbling my thoughts.
"The sun is quite possibly my biggest role model.
It brings so much beauty and warmth to people for 12 hours, never growing tired. And when it sets in one place, it's just arising in another.
It's selfless.
It doesn't care about it's own stamina as long as it makes everybody happy. Sometimes I wish i could be that selfless.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a-"
My writing was cut of when a voice interrupted my thoughts, scaring me, causing me to drag my pen haphazardly across the page mid-sentence.
"Hey," It said.
I rolled my eyes.
"What are you doing here?" I replied, ice shooting through my words.
"We live in america, baby doll. It's a free country," she walked over to my blanket in the middle of the roof, settling herself next to me.
"Nice song. One of my favorites. This remix is sick," she rasped, taking a drag from the cigarette pinned between her fingers.
She blew the smoke respectively in the opposite direction before speaking again.
"Camping out?"
She got no response.
"Tough crowd."
  I turned to look at her for the first time, my jaw dropping. She had piercing green eyes and tattoos covering both of her arms and a portion of her neck. Her nose was pierced and she had the most beautiful raven colored hair.
  She looked over at me, reaching up to close my jaw.
"You wouldn't want to catch flies in that pretty little mouth of yours," she winked.
I couldn't deny the butterflies that took flight in my stomach.
It was a lot easier to ignore her when I couldn't see her.
"I'm Lauren," she chuckled.
"C-Camila," I stuttered.
"Well, C-Camila, what brings you out to the roof?"
I glared at her.
"My parents had a fight," I looked down at my hands.
"Well you can't stay out here all night."
"And why not," I argued.
"Well I can't go back home."
"Come to my house."
"What? No!"
"Why not? Don't trust a girl with tattoos and piercings?"
"Then you're coming with me."
I rolled my eyes.
I shoved my stuff back in my bag , standing and following Lauren off the roof.
"You know," I said, out of breath from the flights of stairs, "you could be a killer or something,"
She turned around and pinned me against the wall.
I gasped and whimpered.
She giggled and pulled away.
"Relax, cupcake. I may look scary but I wouldn't hurt a fly."
Her laugh is the most adorable sound I've ever heard.
She pulled out a key and unlocked her apartment, dragging me in.
"Welcome to my humble abode," She smirked.
It was a small, one room apartment with exposed brick walls, a small kitchen area and a mattress and boxspring by the huge window.
She tossed her keys onto the island and pointed across the room.
"That's the bathroom. Well... that's the tour."
I hopped up on top of the island.
"Shit! I don't have clothes. I don't wanna go back to our apartment. I can't do it. I don't wanna see them fighting and I-"
She moved to stand in between my legs.
"Relax, babe. You can borrow one of my shirts," she giggled before walking over to the dresser against the wall at the foot of her bed.
She pulled out a black t shirt and tossed it to me.
"You know where the bathroom is," She nodded towards the door.
"Thanks," I smiled, looking down at the floor.
I went to the bathroom and closed the door.
I pulled my shirt above my head and took my jeans off, pulling her shirt over my head.
It was pretty long on me, barely covering the swell of my ass, which was clad in a pair of red lace panties.
I turned to look at my reflection.
I bit my lip and ran a hand through my hair.
I looked at the words on the shirt.
The 1975
I smiled.
A pretty girl with nice music taste.
I brought the fabric to my nose and smelled it.
Lilac and cigarettes were somehow the sweetest smell.
I smiled and opened the door, coming out of the bathroom with my clothes in hand.
"Well hello gorgeous," she smirked, clad in a flannel that ended at her mid thighs, her makeup removed.
"I ordered Chinese food. Should be here in about a half hour," she pulled me into her lap.
I sighed.
"A lot happened today," I settled into her chest.
She combed her fingers through my hair.
"Wanna talk about it?" she whispered.
I shook my head.
We sat in silence until a knock at the door sounded through the apartment.
I stood from Lauren who went to answer the door, paying the man and taking the food, closing the door behind her.
I hopped up into the counter.
"What's your last name?" I asked.
"Jauregui," she replied as she took the containers out of the bags.
"How old are you?"
"Do you have a job?"
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"I'm an artist. Why all the questions?"
"I don't know I just... wanna know more about you."
"Well what about you, beautiful. What should I know?"
"Well," I sighed, "My name's Camila Cabello. I'm 17. I like bananas."
She gigged, causing my stomach to leap.
She handed me a container of General Tso's chicken, white rice and broccoli.
She leaned against the island, eating her food.
We sat and talked for hours, sharing stories and trivia and laughs.
She took our containers and threw them in the garbage.
"You know," she sighed, out of breath, "I haven't laughed in a long time."
"Well," I hopped off the counter," I'm glad I make you happy. You have a cute laugh."
She blushed slightly.
I yawned and covered my mouth.
"Someone's tired."
I shook my head.
She lifted me off my feet.
"Lauren!" I shrieked.
She threw me onto the bed, running to turn off the lights, the city lights and moonlight illuminating the room.
She pulled the blanket over us and pulled me into her, my face in her neck, her sweet smell calming me.
I pulled my head out from her neck.
"Hmm," She hummed, fingers laced in my hair.
"Can I kiss you?" she opened her eyes and looked at me.
She pulled me in and brushed her lips against mine, her lips even sweeter than her scent.
I gripped her hips and pulled her closer.
Her tongue brushed against my bottom lip.
I parted my lips and allowed her to explore my mouth.
I slid my hands under her shirt.
She pulled away and but my lip and tugged as our lips parted, out of breath.
"Damn," I breathed.
She giggled and shut her eyes.
"G'night Camz," she hummed.
I cuddled back into her.
"Night, Lolo."
The soft patterns she was tracing on my back quickly lulled me to sleep.

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