Mistakes pt. 2

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(Dinah's P.O.V)
I opened the door to a very distressed Lauren.
She threw herself into my arms before I could even say any consoling words.
"You told her, didn't you, Laur?" I whispered, rubbing her back and kicking the door shut behind me.
She nodded and sobbed into my shoulder.
I heard the shower water shut off before Normani emerged from the hotel bathroom, clad in a towel.
"Babe, what's going o- Oh my god! Lauren?" She looked surprised at the sight of Lauren crumbling.
I situated myself on the bed, back resting against the headboard, Lauren in my lap, her face hidden in my neck.
I addressed Normani.
"Camila got a little cozy with Shawn and I sent Lauren a picture of it and she showed Mila. I really hate seeing Camren go through rough waters but I can't let one of my closest friends be with someone who could be potentially cheating on her," I explained.
Normani just shrugged and collected her clothes before going to change.
"Lauren," I chided, tilting her chin up to look at me,"I know that picture look questionable but did you give Mila a chance to explain? Maybe we took it out of context."
Lauren shook her head, ashamed.
"No," Her voice quivered.

(Lauren's P.O.V)

Shit shit shit.
I'm such a fucking terrible girlfriend. I didn't even give her a chance to explain.
Though, that picture kinda speaks for itself.
I sighed, confused by my own thoughts.
"Well," Dinah dragged,"you can stay here tonight if you want. Mani and I sleep in the same bed so if you wanna sleep with Ally in the other bed, I'm sure she won't mind."
I just nodded.
7 hours later and here I lay, staring at the ceiling of a moonlit hotel room.
My eyes tried to find patterns, something to distract me from my own thoughts but the blank white ceiling made it impossible to detect any sort of shape or pattern.
Ally, Dinah and Normani all had been more than considerate about the whole situation but I couldn't help but wonder about the small, fragile girl, alone in the adjacent room.
I began to feel guilty.
I sighed and traced the corners of the dull room with my eyes.
Carefully sitting up, doing my best not to wake Ally, I crept out of bed and out of the hotel room.
I stood outside the next door.
I pulled my room key out of my back pocket.
I stood there for countless minutes just staring at the key, debating whether or not I should slip in into the lock and go inside.
I don't have a key to Dinah's.
Looks like I have no choice.
I slid the key card into the slot and waited for the green light, signaling that the room was unlocked.
I turned the knob slowly and cautiously pushed the door open, letting it close softly behind me.
I walked in to see Camila at the doorframe to the bathroom, legs crossed, head resting on the frame behind her.
Her mascara was left in streaks down her face, her hair was tangled.
I kneeled down slowly and shook her shoulder.
"Camz?" I whispered, waking her.
She jumped and scooted back a few feet in fear.
"L-lauren?" she croaked.
"I came here so you could explain. I'm sorry for not letting you explain earlier I just-"
"No. Don't apologize. It's my fault. I shouldn't have been around Shawn anyways. Shawn's manager made us do it for publicity. Everybody thought it would be a good idea because they want to hide us," tears brimmed in her eyes as she explained, "And I just don't want to do this anymore Lauren. I just want to be with you. Publicly. But that can't happen and it makes everything so fucking hard and I just," Her voice was choked off with the sobs that wracked her body.
I slid next to her and pulled her into my lap.
I combed my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.
"Shhh Camz it's okay. I didn't know. But now U know and I'm not mad," I whispered.
She looked up at me.
"Really?" She squeaked.
"You bet," I smiled and pecked her lips before she nuzzled her head in my neck.
"Now," I stood up, holding Camila in my arms, "Let's get you to bed."

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