Chapter one

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Pic of Rick and Theo

Theo's PoV

7:59... 3... 2... 1.. Annnnd there he is. Eight am on the dot just like every other day and just like every other day, here I am waiting to watch this majestic man arrive. Should I be doing this? no. Do I care? no. I'll be here every morning for the rest of my life if it means I get to watch that sexy man walk through the lobby as if he owns the place, only thing is, he actually does. I still don't care that I'm ogling my boss, once he doesn't notice I'm fine. There's no way he notices me anyway, great men, powerful men like Rick Wallace don't notice twenty one year old mail carriers like me.

I never wait in the same place that'd be too obvious and he's much to observant to miss that, plus, I need to look like I'm working, I can't get fired, how would I see him then. Now I know I sound like a stalker but it's only now, at this one time in the day I get to see him, I finish at four and he doesn't leave until late, a con of being the boss I suppose. I don't know where he lives, what he drives etc, so I'm not some weird little gay boy stalker. I just need my fix like some people need their coffee.

Ben, his youngest brother is staying close to him as usual, he seems like the odd one out of the trio. Rick and Lorcan are huge, Rick being the tallest at 6ft 5in, Lorcan only slightly smaller at 6ft 3in, then there's Ben who's only 5ft 7in. The older brothers have muscles and are toned but Ben is small and slight a lot like myself. I'm not tiny but I'm not built like the eldest Wallace brothers. Some would say I stand out because I have snow white hair and bright blue eyes but I don't agree, I'm just another young man, looking at the one man I want more than anyone but sadly I'll never get the chance to have.

As the three get on the elevator I steal one last longing look at him and I nearly die of fright when I realise he's looking directly back at me. He smirks just as the door closes and I think I'm going to faint.

Rick's PoV

I wonder where my little snow angel is trying to spy from this morning, three months he's been working here and I started to notice in the last month and a half he's in the lobby every morning. At first I only thought he was delivering the mail at the same time, like a routine but after two weeks of not seeing him hand out even one letter I realised what was going on. My little beauty wants me and little does he know it but I want him too.

Usually when I want something I get it, no I'm not some alpha male type that thinks he can do what he wants. I work and have worked hard to get myself and my brothers where we are and trust me, we are very far from where we were. We were raised by our grandparents after our mother died giving birth to Ben, our 'father' took off simply saying he couldn't do it. He dumped us on our poor, grieving and ageing grandma and grandpa. We had all the love in the world from those two but there was very little money available so I vouched to work hard at school and graduate early.

I did just that, all the while looking after my brothers the best I could, it was a busy life for a teenager but I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am twelve years older than Ben but luckily I had backup in Lorcan, he's ten years older than Ben so when I needed to study or work he took over Bens care. It's not that our grandparents didn't try but at 68 and 69 the last thing they needed to be doing was changing dirty bums, cleaning vomit and waking at four in the morning. I took every night feed because I wanted Lorcan to be fit for school not tired like I was. When we went to school the lady next door would take care of Ben for us but she had it just as tough as us so we didn't overtake her kindness.

I graduated at fifteen and then from college by eighteen, I worked in Truman & Inc. during the day, it was a small firm that wasn't doing so well but it paid the bills. I worked at a bar during the weekends and took care of Ben in the evenings while Lorcan studied. I needed him to get through school and college too, I had plans. Things worked out, by the time I was twenty four I had made my way up the executive ladder and I was investing in our future. I turned the company around and Mr Truman appreciated it. That was proven to be true on the day they read his last will and testament, he'd left the company to me.

I was shocked but he explained in a letter he'd left for me, that he had no family left, a fact I already knew, and that I along with my brothers were like his children so he wanted to see us go far and we would he said. He said we rebuilt and made a success of his baby and that we would continue to do so in his absence. Lorcan had joined the company two years before his death and together we are a force to be reckoned with in the business world. We invested enough to tear down the old building and rebuild the giant  modern one we have today and we renamed it Wallace brothers Inc.

Being left to care for my brothers has made me fiercely protective of them especially Ben, he's sixteen now while I'm twenty eight and Lorcan is twenty six and he's like our son. But back to my snow angel, I like his guts, not many have the bravery to watch me so closely knowing how sharp I can be, he thinks he's safe but he's poked the bear and now I'm ready to play.

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