Chapter fourteen

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Pic of Rick.

Rick's PoV

Fuming is not even close to describing my mood right now. Our plan worked out but now that I have faced the sight of that fucker touching Theo like that I'm ready to kill, fuck the consequences. When he punched him I nearly lost it and Lor had to hold me back. We've been here the whole time but couldn't interfere because the cop we have with us told us we needed to let that rat bastard hang himself. He wouldn't allow me out to help Theo until John made a physical move to rape him so as soon as he pulled Theo's pants down that was evidence enough to lock him away for a long time.

"W..what, em, he came into me he's been doing it for months now and no matter how many times I tell him it's inappropriate he is still relentless. Look how far he's gone now for instance, he followed me-" the dickhead rambles. "Shut the fuck up, you sick son of a bitch. We've been here the whole time, we saw and recorded everything. Your lucky there is a cop in the room or you wouldn't walk out of here right" "there's no cop here Rick, he left" I hear Tom, the cop, say. I don't think twice as I punch John in the face and kick him in the balls. The lights flick on fully having been tweaked to look broken, "I'm back" sing songs Tom "and your under arrest" he begins to read him his rights.

I see the doctor with Theo so I give them a minute or two. As soon as he leaves him I go straight to his side but I'm surprised when I get a look of hatred from him "you were here, you lied to me, I thought you were going to follow me to his office and catch him in the act later today. Do you know how scared I am, I really thought I was alone and that he was going to finally have his way with me. How could you Rick or you Lorcan. Fuck you both. Oh and Rick you can shove your date and your job up your arse" with that said he storms out of the room leaving a room full of stunned people.

"Follow him, he'll understand once you explain" Lor stresses beside me but the pain in my chest won't allow me too. One fucking afternoon at a fairground, is that all I get. I can't stop the negative thoughts creeping in and for the first time in my life I want to wallow in self pity. Why do I always have to put myself second, why don't I get a happy ending, he's the first man I've ever really been interested in and then I fuck it up. Well I'm done "I'm outta here do what you like" I tell Lorcan. "Good go catch-" "no, I'm going out don't wait up, tell Ben I'm alright" I cut across him and I leave. I know I'm leaving him to deal with the after math of everything but I can't be bothered enough to care right now.

As I leave I pass the break room and see Rob with a sobbing Theo in his lap. He motions for me to come in but I know Theo doesn't want that so I just turn and walk away. It breaks my heart to have to do that but my heart feels like it's breaking for another reason so I continue on. I just walk for a few blocks until I find a quiet bar, I'm not one to drink often but today, oh god today, I need one. I plonk on the stool and order a beer, I gulp it down and order another but this time I just stare at it my mind too focused on one thing. I tried to save him and now he hates me.

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