Chapter nine

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Pic of Rick.

Rick's PoV 

I see him visibly tense as he immediately lies to me "nothing is going on, why do you ask?" I look straight into his eyes and say "cut the shit! I wasn't born yesterday. Do you think my brother and I got to where we are today without being able to read people. Lorcan told me there was obvious tension between you both and that he could see fear in your eyes now spill. I promise to keep an open mind" I try to reassure him. He goes to shake his head no but I send a glare in his direction and he stops. He takes a deep breath and says in a dejected voice "I can't say" what in the world is stopping him, I will get my answers. "Tell me, I won't judge. I was not asking, I was telling you to tell me so please start talking, unless you'd prefer I bring Mr Reed up here and we all discuss this together" he jumps up. "No! I'll tell you, fuck!" He say heatedly.

He starts pacing the floor "look, I've told you I need this job and I didn't come to you, you came to me and now I'm going to get fired over that" I put my hand up "hold up, what are you rambling about?". He sighs again and looks really upset but says "poor Kate, what will I do now" he looks lost and it's breaking my heart. I don't give a fuck if he wants it or not, I simply can't sit here while he's so upset and stressed and do nothing. I get up and go to him, he looks up at me "wh- umph" I scoop him into my arms and rub his back. "Shh, what's gotten you so wound up, I'll listen to you, don't worry so much I know you couldn't have done anything too bad your too nice for that. I'll let you in on a secret, my brothers and I don't like or trust Mr Reed, he's only still working here because he was here when I took over and I wanted to be loyal to those same that were here before I was the boss.  However we do trust you so please my snow angel, trust me" he relaxes in my arms so I free him.

He sits back in his seat with a delightful blush on his cheeks "feel better?" I ask. "Yes thank you. Mr Reed was really nice and friendly toward me when I started here and we used to make passing conversation when I delivered his letters. One day I mentioned my little sister Kate" so that's who Kate is, I think to myself, he continues. "Anyway a couple of days later he told me he noticed I never talk about my parents and wanted to know why so I told him they're not around, I told him I am Kate's sole carer. I just thought it was friendly chat but the next day as I handed him his letters he made a rude comment about my... um.." He's struggling so I tell him "it's alright I told you I won't judge".

"Ok, he made the comment about how nice my backside is. I was shocked and laughed but he started calling me I was "his boy" and he called himself my "daddy". Of course I didn't like that so I threatened to report him, all he did was laugh and tell me that you and your brothers wouldn't believe "a street rat" like me because he is one of the top earners in the company. Everyday it got worse and worse first it was comments, then he started with light touches to my hand or wrist. But the other day he grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap, I could feel his hardness underneath me, I tried to get off him but he squeezed my upper arm really tightly and I had to stop moving. I hated it he looked like he was getting pleasure from me sitting there and it was disgusting. He let me go a few minutes later but I know he wouldn't have stopped there if we weren't in the office. My only saving grace is that I go to his office five minutes before my shift ends and he knows Rob and Mr B will notice if I'm late".

I can't fucking even comprehend what I'm being told right now, this slimy bastard has been touching and harassing this beautiful, sweet young man and I'm fuming. "He. Did. What!" Theo looks shocked at my sudden outburst, now it's my turn to pace 'he's fucked, I'll fire and sue his ass so fast he won't be able to take a breath to realise what's happening. Then and only then will I track him down and fuck him up. How dare he do this and to corrupt you into thinking I wouldn't believe such a thing. Oh he's a fucking slime ball-" I feel two small arms wrap around my middle and smell the strawberry shampoo that Theo must use and I stop my rant and just hold him.

"Thank you" I hear him whisper. "You believed me, I was in hell and I thought I was all alone but you've pulled me out" I smile, I'm growing on him slowly. I answer "of course I did, hell is no place for snow angels love".

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