Chapter ninteen

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Theo's PoV

"Rick wants us to go to his log cabin in the woods with him, his brothers and his best friend for the weekend. What do you think, do you think it's too soon?" I question Rob while we eat our lunch. He doesn't even skip a beat as he answers "you told him you love him short stuff, I think a weekend away sounds about right. Why don't you go alone, you know we can take care of Kate for you?" I shake my head no "you know I wouldn't do that, besides you and Noel need a vacation as much as we do and if it's free we are taking it. I'll bring food and have my savings to buy anything we need. Just because Rick is rich does not mean I don't pay my way as best I can". He just laughs at my stubborn nature but I know he will do the exact same. We don't have much more than our dignity and we don't mooch off anyone, boyfriend or not, rich or not.

He takes out his phone and dials Noel's number "hey babe, do you think you can be free for the weekend, Rick asked us to come to his log cabin for a couple of days. Yeah.. no.. ok.. love you too see you later. He's up for it" he tells me when he hangs up. Then I see it happening slowly, he's getting excited. He breaks out a large grin and pulls me onto his lap "I can't wait now that Noel's just told me he's already going to pack. He's so excitable". I laugh "says the giant trying to crush me right now" he eases his grip but doesn't let go "I'm just so glad your ok, if anything-" I hug him close. "It didn't Rob and I know you've both got my back, as I do yours. Now, no more of this we need to buzz Noel when he has Kate and tell her the good news, she'll combust" he nods knowing it's true.

The work day passes uneventful and that's just fine by me. Lots of people heard about what happened and throughout the day some commented on it, while others ignored it, minding their own business. I didn't mind the comments but I'd rather it was put behind me until I have to face the day in court but I know people meant well. My favourite comment was from Rosie. Rosie, the woman who simply ignores my playful nature, in fact the woman who scolds me everyday for joking with her instead of working, walked out from behind her desk took my chin in her hand, examined my eye and said "shoulda cut his dick off, now get to work you little waster" and just walked back to her desk like nothing was said. It meant a lot to me because it showed she really does care a bit.

We rang Kate and got our eardrums blown off with the scream she produced. As I was putting on my coat to leave I feel arms wrap around me and hear "hi angel. So what's the verdict, do we get to spend time together?" Rick whispers in my ear. I turn and punch him in the chest lightly "fuck, Rick, you frightened me. Don't do that" instantly I see the guilt in his eyes, fuck that prick John, he's put so much fear and worry into the people around me they're walking on eggshells. "Not like that big guy, calm down it was a good kind of fright" I grab him and drag his face down and I proceed to kiss the life out of him not caring that we're in work. "Fuck! Short stuff if you keep that up you won't be able to walk on Monday, that man is going to tear you up. It's going to be a long weekend" Rob so rudely interrupts us.

I blush but I can't help it he drives me crazy and I forget all inhibitions around him. "Sorry, I forgot you were there" I mumble my apology to Rob into Rick's chest. "Aww it's ok, just turned me-" "Rob! Do. Not. Finish. That. Sentence." I demand. I do not need to hear about his dick. "Oh so you can suck the bosses face off but I can't talk about getting turned on. Your a weird one short stuff. Anyway, stud" he addresses Rick and if it wasn't my best friend that called him that they would have an earful but I let it slide "yes we are all up for coming along this weekend. Thanks for the offer we will pitch in for food and gas-" Rick stops him.

"No you won't and if I see either of you put your money down I'll cancel the whole trip. I want to spoil you all just this once. I mean you hardly think my brothers or Darius are going to be paying for anything. The whole place is stocked and ready to use. I have three cars that are full of gas so, no, you don't need money for anything at all" I'm not comfortable with that so I look up at him. "Rick we don't just take from people like that. I don't care how much you have or are worth, I am not going to be labelled as someone who doesn't pay their way, I have my dignity. I know your rich but that the last reason I'm with you, you should know that now, before we go any further" he turns to Rob "excuse us".

He takes my hand and drags me to an empty room, once inside he pushes me up against the wall and kisses me passionately. I'm not complaining. When we stop for air he easily lifts me and I wrap my legs around him "fuck your so hot. I know your not like that baby, I know you've worked hard for the little bit of money you have but I also, like you and I have my dignity. Everything I have I share and if I can share with others what do you think I'm going to do for my boyfriend, the man I love" he stares pointedly at me and I sigh giving in. "First, your pretty hot yourself and second fine just this once but I'm paying half on our date Saturday night, just try me big boy" I challenge when he goes to protest.

"Ok, my stubborn little mule you can pay half only once on Saturday night. Now let's go the cars will be ready at six it's four fifteen now, you won't be packed on time if we don't leave" I laugh in his face and he's confused "you don't know Noel, that dude probably has the four of us packed for a month already. He gets kinda hyped" he laughs along with me. We go back and Rob has been joined by an equally excited Lorcan "...lake and then we will have a bbq-" Lor is obviously filling him in on the activities we will be doing and they look ready to explode with excitement. Rick bends down and whispers in my ear "this should be an interesting weekend. In more ways than one" with that he squeezes my butt and I blush with the heated look he gives me. Hum, interesting indeed.

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