Chapter fifteen

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Theo's PoV

"Rob what did I do" I cry onto his shoulder. I can't get the hurt, broken look on Rick's face as I screamed at him in the basement out of my mind. I was wrong and I know that now but at the time I just felt betrayed. If they had of just told me the real plan I wouldn't have reacted like that. I immediately came up here to yell at Rob but he took me into his arms and the adrenaline from everything left my body as he explained. He told me that if I knew I would not have reacted the same because in the back of my mind I'd know I was safe. He also told me why they left it so long and why they needed him to get that far and now I feel like a monster.

"I need to go back to him and apologise. He saved me and I need to thank him" I say while calming my sobs slowly. "I'm sorry but you can't, you need to give Tom your statement and um" Rob scratches the back of his neck like he does when he doesn't want to tell me something "please Rob tell me" I look up at him and he sighs "I saw him leave about ten minutes ago". I jump up "leave, what! Where did he go, what did he look like?" Again he scratches the back of his neck but eventually answers in a few words that have me crying fresh tears "don't know and terrible" this is the worse day of my life and I just want to be in Rick's arms where I admit it, I feel safe and happy. But now I've ruined it and I don't know if I'll be able to fix it again.

Tom comes up then and tells me it's time to make my statement, I don't want to talk to him but I know it's necessary to get Mr Reed out of my life. It takes another twenty minutes to do it and all I can think is, this is more time away from Rick. As soon as I'm free to leave I look for Lorcan, I find him in Rick's office on the phone talking frantically, as soon as he sees me he hangs up and rushes over to me. I'm crushed into his arms "I don't know where he went" he says and for the millionth time this day I feel the pit of fear in my stomach.

I look up at him and he looks more worried than I've ever seen him and it's my fault "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way you were both right and I'm horrible." I tell him. He shakes his head "no, it was a gut reaction you couldn't help it. Anyone in that situation would have done the same, we just didn't think ahead as to how you'd feel about it all. We just needed to get you safe and we were willing to do almost anything to make that happen. I'm sorry we didn't even factor in how much fear you'd feel. I think it's been a long day on everyone and you should go home and rest, your eye is nearly shut its so swollen." No way, I'm finding Rick if it's the last thing I do so I tell him "no, I need to find him and put it right. Where would he go?" He shrugs "he doesn't do this and I've rang any friends he might have contacted but that was useless" this is frustrating.

Then Ben comes in and announces "I've got it, I tracked his iPhone, he's at a bar a few blocks from here, let's go" but I stop him. "No can I go alone please, I need to see him and make this right" they look at each other in what seems to be relief and I ask "what?" Lorcan answers "listen, I've never seen my big brother unnerved like he was today and we truly believe that you are the only one who can fix this. We are relieved that you want to fix it. I don't know if you realise the effect you have on him, he really likes you and again its something we've never seen from him. Having said all of that, I want you to think about what going after him means, it means you accept him so you can't sit on the fence after it, it's all or nothing right now, in or out" he warns.

I don't even have to think about it, I have wanted Rick from the start and now that Kate has met him and likes him I'm letting go of my fears. I mean if today wasn't enough to prove that he likes me a lot I'd have to be stupid for missing all the signs. "Give me the address, I'm going to get him. I just hope he'll listen and give me a chance to explain" I thank Ben as he writes it down. I leave and run the few blocks, some people give me funny looks,  but hey, I'm running quickly and I have a huge black eye, who wouldn't think I look strange.

When I reach the bar I burst inside but I don't see him, I search every booth and I can feel my heart breaking each time he's not in one. I go to the bar to think, when I happen to glance at the bathroom door, I see him standing there frozen, obviously having watched me dart around the place like a madman. It has to be obvious that I'm looking for him so I move toward him, I see the fear of rejection on his face and it kills me that I did that to this strong, independent man. Just as he goes to speak I jump into his arms and kiss him full force, he doesn't react for a minute but then I feel him relax his tense shoulders and kiss back. I lick his bottom lip and he opens up for me but his tongue enters my mouth before I get a second to take over. We stay against that wall kissing furiously not giving one fuck who else is in the place or who sees us and it feels amazing.

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