Chapter eight

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Pic of Theo.

Theo's PoV

I arrive at my usual time the next morning and go over to greet Rosie "good morning Rosie, how's life in the fast lane my dear?" I flirt with her "you little squirt, it's been a long time since I was in the fast lane, now get that lazy butt to work" she tells me in her usual grumpy tone but secretly she loves my morning greetings. "Yes ma'am, but only because a beautiful lady says so" I tease. She just shoos me away with her hand and I laugh. Then my day is made as he and his good looking brothers walk through the lobby.

I swoon mentally, I have to go out with him Friday, I owe it to Lorcan, it's going to be a one time thing so I've decided to run with it and have fun for a change. Why not make the most of a night out with a sex God, well he looks like one so I'm presuming he is one and I plan to find out. Yes you heard right ladies and gentlemen, I Theo Carter plan on, trying, to seduce my sexy boss man. I really plan to enjoy Friday. I know it sounds wrong like I'm using him but this could be the only chance I get with him and it could also be the only chance I get to lose my virginity.

It's sad but true that I'm twenty one years old and I have only ever been kissed a few times. If my last kiss was anything to go by I'm thinking he will know how to handle the rest like a pro. I don't like that it has to be a one time thing and I'd hate for him to feel used but I'm going to be selfish for the first time in my life, I'll deal with the consequences after. I'm sure Rick wasn't looking for much more than that anyway so I'm going to be straight up and honest with him, if it works great, if not, I just hope he is adult enough to allow me to work here Monday.

Soon enough I'm down in the break room getting ready to start my day, Mr B asks me to come to his office when I'm ready. I knock and enter "hi, what's going on?" I question. "Hi son, Mr sexy boss" he rolls his eyes at me, mocking my nickname for Rick "would like to see you in his office straight away" he raises his hand as I go to speak "just go up and find out, your not get fired for anything" he tells me, knowing me too well. I breathe a sigh of relief, nod then leave. On the way up my nerves are shot, I bet he's going to call off the date, I mean he didn't set it up so why would he want to go out with the person who rejected him and who he's barely spoken to since.

"Hi Ben, I was told to come here first thing, is Mr Wallace in?" I greet him. "Hi Theo, yes, I'll just buzz him" he does and he's told to sent me straight through. I enter the office and he's sitting behind his desk but he has no work open on his iPad or papers in front of him like usual. "It's ok Theo come sit down" he says seeing my reluctance. I sit directly across from him and wait for him to begin, we just look at one another taking each other in, man, he's gorgeous. We both jump and the spell is broken when the phone buzzes, it's Ben wondering do we need drinks, we both decline.

"Sorry, I called you here to talk so let's talk. You don't have to go out with me on Friday night I'm sorry my brother did that to you" he says and disappointment settles in my stomach. "But I am asking you, not telling you, that I would love to still take you out that night if you feel up for it" I want to woop and holler at this news but instead I answer him "I would like to do that because I feel I owe the favour to Mr Wallace" he looks upset at this making me question everything I've been thinking about him so I have to ask "why does that upset you" he looks shocked at my boldness but I'm a straight forward person so he'll have to deal with that.

"Because I don't want that, I want you to go out with me because you feel something for me not because you owe someone something" now I'm shocked. I think it over, I still want everything I've been planning for Friday night so I'm going in head first and I'm laying it out for him "look can we drop our boss/employee part of our lives and be straight for a few minutes?" I ask. "Sure, in fact I'd love that because your driving me insane, I want you, you want me so tell it like it is please" I respect that so I am going to do as he asks.

"I have responsibilities outside of work. I need, I mean really need this job and nothing can get in the way of that. So your right I want you, really want you but I can't get into a relationship with you. If anything were to go wrong I couldn't work here and that's out of the question. I have a proposal for you. We go out Friday night, satisfy the urges we have for, each other. We spend the evening and night together, yes sex included, and then that's it. One night of fun and passion but I need to get back to my real life Saturday morning, now remember, I proposed this while we were two men talking so you can't fire me for it. If your not into this fine, but it's on the table do with it what you will" I finish nearly laughing aloud at his stunned face since I mention sex so casually.

"Um.. You've literally stunned me, I never thought such a sweet faced man like you would come out with that. Can I have a day to think this over please we have another matter to discuss and it's important" he says. "Of course you can have as much time as you like it doesn't have to be this Friday, it can be whenever you like, now what the other business did you call me here for" then he asks the one question that scares the life out of me. "What going on with you and John Reed" shit!

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