Chapter thirteen

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Pic of Theo.

Theo's PoV

I get up the next morning and I say get up not wake up because you'd have to have slept to wake. All night my head was filled with worry about today and confusion over Rick, I'd go from being terrified to being happy about both subjects and to say I'm a mess this morning is an understatement. But life goes on so I get up get washed and ready. I wake Kate and prepare breakfast "good morning sleepyhead, how are you today" I ask once she's up and ready. "I'm ok, I had lots of sleep after our fun day out yesterday. When will we get to see Rick and Ben again? Can I come to your work and see them sometime?" She starts rambling again about them, I laugh and ask "not Lorcan just his brothers?" As I raise my eyebrow mockingly. She stopped asking about Lorcan yesterday after Rob teased her that she fancied him, she blushed and told him to shut up so I think there's a small truth in it. It's cute to see her have her first crush.

"Look I have some things I need to take care of in work, after that I'll see if they have time to meet ok" I tell her dropping the Lorcan subject. She nods "yes thanks. I'm finished and ready to leave when you are" I finish my coffee and do my best to keep my shaking hands out of her view. We knock at the apartment door across from ours and a tired looking Noel answers "morning" he mumbles as we enter. Rob comes out of the bedroom and he looks as tired as the rest of the men in the room and I feel guilt settle in my stomach knowing that they probably didn't sleep much because of today. We only have each other in this world so when somethings up with one of us it effects all three of us.

I nod for them to follow me to the kitchen and leave Kate watching tv, as soon as we get there I hug them both at the same time "it'll be ok guys, I trust Rick and Lorcan to be there. Did you sleep at all?" Rob pushes away from me "how the fuck could we sleep short stuff, if anything goes wrong I'll kill that bastard myself" I take his hand "it won't and please calm down we don't want to upset Kate". He takes a few deep breaths and splashes cold water over his face and neck "here Hun, come on Theo will be alright. We are all just as worried but he can get through this" Noel tells him while handing him a towel. We discuss it for a few minutes more and I have butterflies of fear floating in my stomach by the time we leave.

Noel hugs me at the front door of the complex "I love you, be safe. I'll make you your favourite dinner tonight ok" I thank him and tell him I love him too. I kiss Kate and Noel takes her hand as they make their way to her school. When we arrive in the lobby I don't even wait for Rick, if I do I'll lose my cool and back out of this thing so I get right to work not really taking in anything around me. "Theo!" Mr B shouts at me in the hallway. "Yes sir?" I ask. "I need you to go to the basement after your eleven o clock break, I need the registration letters from the cabinet marked xb2. I'm not in a hurry for it because I know it will take you a while to find it. Someone else will cover your mail run until after lunch so can you do that please".

"Sir, will anyone else be with me. I don't want to refuse but there is nobody down there and it's full of cabinets so some help finding it would be nice." I ask dreading the task. "No son, sorry but I can't afford an extra pair of hands on this" I nod "that's ok, it just eleven now so I'll have my fifteen minutes break and head down" he pats my back and leaves. I can't eat so I just drink a sweet coffee and leave shortly after. I make my way to the basement and when I get there I switch on the dull overhead light. I start to make my way through the the endless rows of cabinets hoping to find it quickly enough.

After about fifteen minutes I finally find the xb row but it starts at fifty and runs toward the back of the room so I know no.2 is way down the back and of course my luck is not in it today as I realise the back wall only has a flickering light above it. I make my way down there quickly and locate the right one I pull it open and rummage through fast just wanting to get out of there. Yes!, I found them but then I hear "hello my boy, what do we have here " as I am grabbed from behind with my arms trapped making my blood freeze in my body. "G..g..get away, don't t..t.ouch me" I stumble, he's here, I'm all alone in a rotten basement and he's here. This was not supposed to happen, I'll never get away from him now.

"Your mine now, see, I got a lucky little break this morning, I was walking out of my office when I overheard the best conversation ever. We're all alone my boy, that old fool Mr B sent you into my arms and nobody's gonna be looking for you for a while yet. Oh my sweet pretty boy I've watched and waited for a moment like this and now" he licks up the side of my neck and grabs my dick while grinding his disgusting erection into my behind making me gag "now I have you I'll be having some fun with you. You'd like that wouldn't you, you want daddy to pound that sweet hole nice and hard don't you?" I'm going to puke. "Get off me, your sick and you are not allowed to touch me at all" I gather the courage to say while I squirm in his grasp. I regret it instantly, he turns me effortlessly and punches me right in the jaw making me see stars.

He's furious and begins to rant "your fucking mine, you've been teasing me with that ass for months and you think you can just say no now, well your fucking wrong" he grabs for my pants and yanks them down my legs then I here the the sound of a voice that makes me relax instantly "get your fucking hands off him now!".

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