Chapter six

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Pic of Lorcan.

Theo's PoV

Three weeks... It's been three weeks since I had the most scorching, delicious, kiss of my life from Rick Wallace and ever since he's been.. well.. nice. Yeah just fucking nice, no flirting, no smirks and certainly no more kisses. I bring his mail and he simply thanks me or makes light conversation about work stuff, nothing personal, just crappy mail talk. It's doing two things to me, first I'm relieved but second I'm loosing my mind. I'm relieved because, while I would love to go on a date with the sexy boss man, I can't. I have to keep this job and I can't risk loosing it because I couldn't keep it in my pants. Kate needs stability in her life and I'm the only person who can provide that, we have been struggling for the last three years that we've been alone because I've only been able to find part time work in odd places. But now I've gotten this eight to four, Monday to Friday steady job nothing, not even my sexy boss man, will make me mess it up.

That lead me to reject him and the date he offered, am I happy about that? No fucking way, but I have to put my own needs second to hers. It's not easy being a single parent, it's even harder knowing your not a parent at all but I would never change it, I love my sister. Just because life is hard for us doesn't mean I am going to wallow in self pity, however, I can get annoyed at the fact that the first man I've ever been truly interested in won't pay me an ounce of attention because I rejected him.

Now I know I have no right to get any attention from him, after all I said no, but fuck it I want some. I've been driving myself crazy over this situation, one minute I'm thinking he only wanted one date and a quick fuck, the next minute I'm thinking I hurt his feelings and he's letting me know by ignoring me. Either way the tables have turned and now I'm the one feeling rejected, which is stupid but I can't help the way my brain works.

Things with the pig, or Mr Reed as he's more commonly known, are getting worse by the day and I don't know what to do. To make matters worse I'm here outside his office trying to think of a way to get out of delivering his mail today but unfortunately nothing works so I knock. "Come in" I hear his disgusting voice tell me, I enter. I can't stop myself glaring at him like I do every day, hey if I can't kick him in the balls I can glare, right? I can never retaliate against him because he threatens to get me fired so I'm left with my pent up anger to deal with in my own way, aka, glaring.

I don't notice Lorcan is in the room until he clears his throat "hi Theo my favour mail carrier, how are you?" He asks and I can see the surprise on the pigs face at his casual and joyful greeting toward me. I snap out of my hatred, happy that I won't be harassed today and I feel like hugging Lorcan just for being my saviour without knowing it "hello Mr Wallace, I'm good, how are you?" I reply. "Jesus Theo, we are going to be brother in laws in the future, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Lorcan" he laughs and I see the pig pale dramatically. Now Lorcan teases me every dame day and I always tell him he's delusional but today he's being more outspoken than usual and I think I just found my, get out of harassment clause so I'm going to take it and run with it "oh Lorcan, I haven't even agreed to that date and you have me married off" I joke with him.

Now let me tell you two things, one, Lorcan, like his brother, didn't get to where he is today without being acutely observant so he must have noticed my unease when I entered the room. His teasing is sending a quiet message to Mr Reed that I'm important and even if it's not true, I don't give a shit, I'm grateful to him for picking up on it and dealing with it directly. The second thing is Lorcan is a smart bastard and knows how to manipulate a situation to his advantage, how do I know this you ask, well I know because the smart fucker looked me in the eyes in a silent challenge and said "oh but your blush at the mention of my brother tells me you want to, so I'll tell Rick to pick you up Friday at eight. Ben has your details on your employee file, dress causal. You can drop that mail on the desk and I'll see you in my office later. Thank you. Now, where were we Mr Reed" he turns to the pig basically dismissing me from the conversation and the room.

I drop the mail on the desk and leave the room stunned, again I find myself with two thoughts, one, what the fuck just happened and two, what the fuck am I going to wear.

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