Chapter twenty one

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Pic of Noel, Rob and Darius.

Theo's PoV

Bang, bang, bang. This is what I awake to "ugh, Katie it's only eight o clock, go back to sleep until at least ten" I shout at the banging door. Suddenly it flies open and two giant men-children burst inside with their eyes covered "put on some pants love birds, we're getting this day started!" Lorcan exclaims, while Rob shouts "I know your sore Theo but get the fuck up!". How in the world did we end up with two numb skulls in the same house. "Shut the fuck up and get out" Rick yells at them but just gets laughed at. Kate comes into the room next or should I say, Kate half dragged herself into the room, she climbs into the middle of the bed looks at me and says "move" like something half dead. The second I scoot away from Rick she plops into my arms, she reaches back and holds Rick's hand, sighs and starts snoring.

"Do not shout again, let her sleep for another hour. Go make breakfast or something" I tell the idiots. "Bunny is already on that" Rob tells me, poor Noel God only knows how long Rob has him awake. "Go help him so, you won't be winning boyfriend of the year awards anytime soon I can tell you" Rick says sarcastically. It's like Rob didn't even consider helping his boyfriend because he says "good idea, it'll earn me brownie points for later" as he runs out of the room. "No fun, I'm going to wake Ben again" Lor says as he leaves.

"She's holding my hand, is this normal behaviour?" Rick whispers to me. To be honest it's not, she must really trust him to be this comfortable and that makes me happy "no but I'm glad she is. It means that she likes and trusts you already" I smile over at him. "Me too, could've done without her wrapping the cold feet on my bare legs though" he says and we both laugh quietly. We chat in hushed voices until I hear Lorcan call breakfast. We all get up, Rick and I just put on shorts and we head to the kitchen. When we enter Rick is roughly shoved to the side by another large man and I'm getting ready to kick ass until Rick says "fuck Darius, rough much?" I instantly relax realising it's his best friend.

"Hi bro, hey cutie what's your name?" He questions Kate who is hiding behind Rick. She just shys away and this is her normal behaviour when meeting new people, she nods her head no. Darius is quick to realise he's not getting an answer so he just smiles and says "don't worry darling you tell me whenever your ready, ok. I'm Darius and I'm Rick's best friend" he leaves it at that and I'm grateful to him for that. His focus shifts to me "wow, you weren't lying bro, he's gorgeous. Hi nice to meet you" he puts out his hand to shake but when I put mine in his he pulls me in for a hug. I'm startled but he and the others just laugh.

"This is Dillion, hope you don't mind him tagging along" he throws the question at Rick but it's more of a 'he's here deal with it' statement. Rick doesn't look pleased but says "no of course not. Hi Dillion nice to meet you" Dillion looks at us like he's bored of the little people and half raises his hand. Now let me say he's of model quality but that does not give him the right to be stuck up but it's not my place to say anything. The three brothers look fit to kill but Darius is obviously as he sits next to a scowling Ben and ruffles his hair "hi benny how's my lil beauty today" Ben gets up and leaves the room and I'm stunned. "I bring out the worst in that boy, he just hates me, don't know why" Darius muses to himself. Whatever he did to Ben must be serious because that curly haired boy never even so much as cursed in front of me, let alone be so rude to someone.

We decide to go fishing on the lake first, Rick and Lor set up the two boats from the boat house and I'm a bit nervous to bring Kate onto the open water. It must have shown on my face because Ben, who rejoined us after about half an hour, handed me a kids size life jacket. "Thanks how'd you know?" He just laughs "your behave exactly like Rick did toward me when I was little so I know you don't want Kate out there unprotected" I smile and nod, I'm touched that he can compare his upbringing to Kate's. Makes me think 'he turned out ok so she just might too'.

Rick, Kate, Ben and I share a boat while Lor, Noel, Rob and Darius share the other. Dillon's response to fishing was "yuck" as he closed his bedroom door. I don't like that boy. Kate is bouncing with excitement because Lor showed her the right way to use a fishing rod, poor kid blushed her way through the first five minutes but soon got into it and now she's promised him she'll catch a fish for his dinner. The lake is peaceful and we try to fish quietly so we don't scare the fish away. We float about for half an hour before my line tugs, I being the scaredy cat I am panicked and threw the rod at the first person I saw. It was Kate, who quickly embarrassed her big brother by calmly reeling in the fish, unhooking it and saying "that's how you do it, ya big baby" all the men laughed at her sassy remark me included.

We settle down and before we know it the lines are being pulled here and there. It was great fun as we compared who got the biggest fish and how quickly they reeled it in. Just then Rob reeled in a huge fish, one that put the others to shame and he let out a might roar "yes! I'm the fucking fishing master, bow below me you puny humans" effectively scaring the crap out of us and fish alike. We just laughed and decided to call a halt to our time on the lake. We got back on shore and decided a nice bbq on the patio was in order for the afternoon.

Rick warned the others that we were going out alone tonight which received whistles and cat calls but it was all good because Kate was inside at the time. We each went about setting things up, the "men" as we were told they were set up the back, pulling out the bbq and seats onto the patio. While the "boys" as we were called set up the food. Rob got a clip around the ear for that one, guess who lost his brownie points from breakfast. Nevertheless we set about our work. Darius came into the kitchen and walked over to Ben "hi lil beauty, need any help" he asked him politely "not from you, leave me alone please" I couldn't believe it, this behaviour was madness from Ben. Darius looked defeated but left him alone anyway.

"Christ Ben, I'm sorry to get in your business but what the hell did he do to you?" I had to ask. He looked at me coldly and said "please do not ask me about that man. I'm sorry to be rude but it's none of your business" and he walked out slamming the door behind him. Well that told me. "Woah, he didn't need to speak to you like that, you should get Rick to speak to him about that" Noel says, I shake my head "no, he's right I've only known him a few months it's not my business and he did apologise for being rude. He'll work it out on his own" I reply.

We cooked up a storm including the one fish we kept, the one Kate caught on my rod. Lorcan made a whole big deal out of it and you could see how proud she was, I thanked him later but he waved me off saying he'd do anything for a princess smile. We ate and drank the evening away laughing and teasing each other. Ben returned again about half an hour after his storm out and acted like nothing happened. He caught up to me later and said sorry again but I told him he was right so we left it at that. It was a fantastic day with friends and family, well everyone except Dillion, but it had to end because wherever we were going, whatever happened, tonight was definitely going to have a fantastic end and if the morning repeats this one, Rob will be right in assuming I'm sore.

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