Chapter twenty two

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Pic of Theo.

For Rainy841 you know why.

Rick's PoV

At six Theo and I left the others so we could get ready for our date. I showered and dressed in our room while he did in Kate's. I knocked at her door at six thirty and he came out looking stunning, we matched somewhat, both having black slacks and white button ups on but I had a jacket over mine while he wore none. His shirt was tucked in but then pulled out slightly and the top two buttons were undone with his sleeves rolled up to half way he looked so fucking sexy, I wanted to forget about our long awated date. It was bad enough looking at him from the front but when he turned to walk down the hall and I saw his sexy bum neatly packed into those pants, I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.

I kissed him and ground my rock hard erection into him and he gasped I explored his mouth with my tongue, I grab his butt and squeeze the life out of it turning us both on more. I don't know how far it would have gone if Darius didn't choose that exact moment to walk into the hallway "woah, not that that's not fucking hot" he says while adjusting himself "there are literally ten rooms around you, go use one. Now I have to get Dillion up here, happy! DILLON, GET UP HERE!" He's such a horny bastard but hey, look at the position I'm in right now, who am I to talk. "Jesus, what was that Rick?" a breathless Theo pants out. "Sorry, your butt is magnificent in those pants. I had to have a feel" I tell him, not sorry at all.

We take a few minutes to 'calm down' and ten minutes after we should have left, we finally get out the door. I take him to a beautiful restaurant in the little town close by. It's not very original but there's not a lot to do in this part of the world, to tell the truth it's nice to go somewhere that is quiet and homely, in the city it's all hustle and bustle and your constantly surrounded by lots of people. When we get there the friendly hostess leads us to a booth in the corner, it's perfect, we have a clear view of the restaurant but are away from others. We look through the menus until a male waiter comes to take our orders.

He looks at me "are you ready to order sir" I tell him what I want. What's odd is, that as he asks Theo for his order he continues to look at me. I simply ignore his weird behaviour and look at my love. The waiter leaves and Theo looks a bit angry but doesn't comment, he takes my hand and tells me he loves me. "I love you too angel. Did you have a good day, I certainly did and I hope we can make many more of those memories together" he smiles at me and picks up his fork. Jesus I didn't even notice the starters coming out, I'm a love struck fool. We eat our delicious food and soon it's replaced with our dinner. We talk about everything and anything and I could listen to him all day.

Every once in a while I notice him scowling and eventually I have to ask "what's wrong love, did I say something that upset you?" It's not great to have the person you love scowling on your first date. He looks at me again and takes a deep breath "no love, you did nothing wrong, don't worry so much" he says. I have his full concentration now as he turns to me and asks "I know he's your best friend but I have to ask. What is Darius doing with that airhead Dillion. You didn't look like you were happy with him tagging along" I sigh. "Your right, Darius picks up these male models, tv actors or any male with stunning looks. He sleeps with them, correction he fucks them, then gets bored and moves on. It's annoying because at most of our get togetherness he brings one and they are generally like Dillion dumbball back there. All looks and no personality. We don't even try to engage with them anymore unless they try first."

"He's so nice though you'd think he'd find someone" he says and I'm relieved to hear he likes him. "I know, but he's only twenty four so he's not really looking for love which is kind of sad. I can't judge I've only found you now and I'm twenty eight, four years older than him" I answer. First he looks like he might cry from my complement but then that bloody scowl is back, just as I go to ask what's wrong we are interrupted by the waiter again. Come to think of it he's been here a lot, asking do we need this or that. "Yeah I need something" I am broken out of my thoughts by Theo's angry voice "I need you to stop fucking coming over here interrupting our first date. Your not even doing your job, your just staring at my boyfriend. Not once have you taken your eyes off him all night, even when your serving others, now get it through your head he's taken".

I'm taken aback, I didn't even look up at the waiter since I ordered the first dish, I simply thanked him or ordered things. I wasn't trying to be rude but Theo had all of my attention. I look up at him and he's eyeing Theo like he's dirt on his shoe as he says "he needs a real man not some twink like you". Now I'm a respected man in many places, including this establishment so this little punk is lucky I am such good friends with the owners, I helped set this place up for gods sake. "You better go get your manager right now. You don't know how lucky you are that I respect Anthony and Jacobs place so much because if I didn't you'd find yourself waking up with a crowd around you. Do you understand" I growl at him.

How dare he even look at Theo like that let alone insinuate that he's better than him, I'm fuming. He runs away like the little brat he is and I see him talk to the manager who rushes over, "Hi Mr Wallace, is everything alright sir?" He asks panicked. "No it's not, your waiter was overbearing and rude, he disturbed us many times and refused to speak to my boyfriend directly. When Theo here called him out on it, he was disrespectful and hurtful. I will be talking to Anthony and Jacob about him but everything else was perfect. Thank you for taking the time to come over here" he did all the apologies but it was too late for that little fucker, he sealed his fate.

We paid up and left, luckily we didn't see him again or I might have lost it. We walked in the park across the street for a while hand in hand but I was still irritated until Theo pulled me down onto a bench and sat on my lap facing me, "thank you, nobody but Rob and Noel have been there for me like that before. You really are my knight in shining armour this week. I wanted to rip that bastards head off but every time I looked at you, you were focused on me, not him and it calmed me. If tonight did anything it made me love and trust you even more than I already did. It also proved to me that we feel the same because I know by your actions you love me just as much so thank you. Now take me home we have some serious business to attend to" I lifted him In my arms and rushed back to the car, I wanted him before but now I need him.

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