Chapter ten

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Pic of Mr B.

Theo's PoV

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. This is all I can feel as I lay my head in my bosses chest, I'm comfortable and feel safe for the first time in a long, long time but it can't last so I pull away. He looks disappointed but so am I, I just can't dwell on it, I need to focus on my life with Kate not with him. "I have a plan will you listen through till the end and then give me your opinion on it" he asks as he sits back down in his chair. I'm impressed he's come up with something, he realises, like I do, that the pig won't just admit that he's been messing with me. "Sure" I agree.

"First, I need to call Lorcan and Ben in here. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable but I refuse to have any secrets in this business between us. We are equal here" he tells me leaving me no choice but to allow it. At the same time I admire his loyalty and love for his brothers, it reminds me of mine for my little sister and I feel another chink in my armour that I've built up toward this man.

He calls them and we wait for no more than two minutes before the enter without knocking "oh lovely it's my big bro and my little bro in law-" Lorcan's teasing is cut short when he sees the look on Rick's face, he becomes serious and if I didn't know about the situation I would be scared. "What's happened, I was right wasn't I, what did he do to you Theo" Lorcan demands and I'm again humbled at their amount of faith in me. Rick explains what's been going on.

I feel two slender arms wrap around my shoulders from above "are you ok Theo, my brothers will sort this out, you must have been so scared" Ben says in his delicate, soft voice and I feel tears gathering. It's nice to have people that believe me, I know he didn't get too far and sure I'm pretty feisty and will stand up to anyone but he had me cornered. He took my life and used it against me while being horrible and perverse toward me at the same time. I'll admit it was scary. Mostly I felt useless and dirty, like I should have, could have, been able to deal with this myself, like I have done with everything in my life since my mom started drugs when I was six but I failed to.

Now sitting here with Ben supporting me and the older Wallace brothers willingly believing me I feel better and I know I was not in the wrong. I relax which I haven't been able to do since this started, I tell him "it was Ben but I think it's going to be ok now". Rick tells us his plan and I agree to do my part, it's risky and I don't like it but I know it needs to be done or one day he won't stop at mere touches and words. Worse still he could do this to others and that's not happening on my watch.

I leave and go straight to Mr B's office, "hello son are you alright you look mighty pale" he says when I sit down. "Not really sir, Mr Wallace and his brothers have asked that you call Rob in here I need to talk to you both" he nods and picks up the phone, he relays the message to my best friend and he comes rushing into the room very shortly after. I don't want to do this but Rick said I need full support now and that my friends here are what I need so I have to be honest with them. It takes a few tries but eventually I tell the horrible tale and the moment I stop talking the reaction is instant.

Now let me tell you Mr B is nearly sixty years old but he's still fit and Rob is 6ft 3in with a body to be proud off, so it took some strong words and a locked door (with me dodging them so they couldn't get the key) to get them settled enough to tell them the plan. It finally got through to them that I will be ok but them the difficult questions came "why didn't you tell us at least, didn't you know we would have helped son?" Mr B asks with a hurt look in his eyes and I feel bad but I explain how I felt cornered and he seems to understand. My best friend, not so much.

"Rob? Rob, look at me. Can you try to see where I'm coming from. You've protected me my whole life, we've only had each other until Kate and Noel came along. Who did I run to when people picked on me in school, who held my hand when our mothers were screaming at men or fighting ratty women over those men, all while drugged out of their minds? Your my brother and I need to know you get it. You would have been the first person I'd ask for help you know that but he made the fear or ruining my life so real I couldn't tell. You know what he told me one of the first times he threatened me, he told me he'd get Kate taken into a foster home, you know, of all people Rob, you know what that would do to me". I just start to sob then the dame has broken, it's my biggest fear and that fucked up bastard pounced on it like I was his prey.

I feel Robs big arms pick me up and I know he is there for me like always and I love him for that "shit, I'm sorry, short stuff, I didn't know please forgive me" he calls me by my nickname he gave me the first time I showed up at his apartment door when I was six and he was nine. I was alone for two days and hungry so I decided to be a big boy and knock on the door of the apartment across from mine. He took me in and explained that he hears what happens in my place and that his mommy does the same things at his place, he told me we needed to stick together and we've stuck together since.

I calm down and stay in his lap, he's the only one I can be true with, I forgot about Mr B until I hear him say "it'll be alright now son. The men upstairs will get it done just you watch. We are behind you one hundred percent and he won't get away with it ever again. Now Rob take him home, ah quiet" he tells me as I go to protest "full pay, now take this and go get your sister and bunny" he scoffs at the bunny part because he thinks it's hilarious that a big man like Rob calls his boyfriend that "go out have a fun evening, do not use this money for anything other than fun, I expect pictures. You both deserve it, I can't comprehend the lives you've had to lead and I know one day out won't fix it but please go. It's one day, tomorrow we have serious business to attend to in getting that fucker away from you. Ok" he says looking seriously upset over everything he's just heard.

We can't refuse him so we take the money or the chance to enjoy something for once, just as we leave he wraps me in a huge hug that has my eyes watering again but with happy tears "thank you, thanks for everything you do for us" I tell him before I join Rob in the hall. "Let's go wreck something!" Rob yells breaking the tension and I'm glad because I know he'll keep me occupied until I have to face my demon tomorrow.

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