Chapter twenty

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Pic of cabin.

Rick's PoV

I leave my blushing beauty and make my way home with the boys. Our live in housekeeper Daisy has our stuff ready to go so we eat her homemade lasagne around the kitchen counter while she hovers around cleaning and chatting to us. We love Daisy she's like an aunt to us and she loves us in return. She has a place of her own off our house, she was out of work and falling behind on her rent when I hired her. She was working as a cleaner for the company that comes to clean our offices, one evening I was working late and because it was summer I had no lights on in my office at eight in the evening. I heard her approach with her cart and knew it was her because I'd met her before when she cleaned on this floor. She obviously wasn't expecting me to be there because when she entered her eyes were red rimmed and it was clear she was upset.

I startled her by asking what was wrong and she tried to get out of telling me but I persisted and she caved. She have very little money and no family and at the age of fifty she was getting evicted. There and then I offered her room, board and a weekly wage to become our live in housekeeper. She declined at first but eventually gave in. That was five years ago and even though she does keep this place in order, we treat her as one of the family, she in turn acts as our aunt and is not frightened to clip us around the ear no matter how old we are. "Really Daisy we would love you to come along" I say. "Rick Wallace" oh, oh, the surname is out "how many times in the past five years have I told you this. I'm happiest at home now let me be" no matter where I want to take or send her for a vacation she never agrees. If it's what she wants I'll let her but I'll still offer just Incase.

"Ok, thank you for the delicious dinner" I relent while kissing her forehead and putting my dishes in the dishwasher. I start clearing the table with the others but she shoos us away as always. At five thirty the cars are loaded and ready I am driving one SUV while Lorcan is taking the other, there'll be more room for luggage in them. The journey takes thirty minutes to get to their apartments, they are at the curb waiting for us and I think half the reason is so we won't see inside but we don't mention it. Kate rushes over to us and says "hi Ricky, hi Lorcan" then she launches herself at Ben shouting "Ben I've missed you" he catches her and by the look on his face, I'd say he missed her too. I know there's a six year age gap but he never had any real friends and got stuck with two older, more serious, brothers, sure we treated him and played around with him but we had to work more than play so it's nice to see him bond with her.

"Let's pack up and go" Lor says. "Can I go with Ben in his car, please, I want to show him my new colouring set you bought me today, please bro please" she begs. I can tell he's nervous to let her out of his sight but she's giving him the puppy's and he's caving. "Ben is a sixteen year old boy Kate, he hardly wants to colour with you for two hours" he's trying to be fair to Ben but Ben tells him "I don't mind, it'd be fun" poor kid. "Ok but no annoying Lorcan and Ben. Ben be honest with her if you've had enough tell her because our Katie here forgets that others don't always want to do what she does" he says "theooooo, I don't" Kate whines at him for embarrassing her. He just ruffles her hair laughing.

We get on the road and the journey is pleasant enough, I get to know Rob and Noel better and it's obvious they love each other very much. I hope Theo and I can be as openly in love after six years and even more so after sixty. Jeez how cheesy am I getting. Darius won't make it until tomorrow so I tell them and they understand. We arrive and the house looks stunning as always but as the sun is setting and the cabin is lit up from the inside its glowing. "Fuck dude, your filthy rich, good for you!" Rob pats my back and I laugh as his love and best friend scold him. "This place is beautiful and huge" Noel compliments.

"Thank you, I had it made this large because I hold a gala weekend for charity here once a year. I find rich people will spend more if you spoil them a bit so I bring them here on the Saturday we have a banquet that night with auctions, dinner and dancing. Everyone stays until Sunday when we have brunch on the lawns. All the proceeds go to homeless or disadvantaged children's charities. Also if friends want to come here I allow it, it's a nice spot to relax" I tell them, I'm not boasting just informing. "Your a good man Rick" Noel says in his soft voice but I wave it off. I don't do it for me I do it for the children me and my brothers once were. We had nothing and now we have lots so I'll help as many as I can with it.

"Let's get settled in" Lorcan takes Noel, Rob and Kate inside and Theo looks at me confused "Angel I wanted to ask you, do you want your own room or do you want to stay with me" I can't presume he wants to be in with me, I want him there but it's up to him. "Your cute Rick, in with you please, if that's what you want" now he's being cute. "I'm glad, that's what I'd hoped you'd say. Let's go" I take him by the hand and lead him to my room. I made sure to ring ahead and have all the rooms set up on our floor so Kate can feel safe knowing we are all close.

As we pass her room we hear her squealing over the queen sized bed and the princess netting set up above it. I've asked the couple who look after this place to decorate it for a ten year old girl and they did a wonderful job. Theo hugs her and shoots me a 'you shouldn't have' look which I ignore. I take him into our room and we unpack, the others are doing the same and we are going to eat a light snack together before watching a movie. The night passes peacefully and due to being up early for work and the drive it's not long before everyone retires for the night.

When we get to our room Theo wastes no time and strips down to his boxer briefs so I follow suit since he's not shy about it. We climb into bed exhausted, he latches onto my side automatically and it's like he was made for the space. "I wish I had the energy to ravish your delicious body right now angel but it'll have to wait. I love you goodnight" he laughs and his breath tickles my neck as he speaks "let's make tomorrow night special, sexy boss man. Now sleep I love you too".

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