Chapter 6 heart break

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*Ring ring* "Hello" "Katherine its Carlisle my family and I are leaving forks for awhile." "Carlisle is this because of what happen on Bella's birthday." "Kinda. But I need you to keep all of us informed about how Bella is doing please." "Alright but I'm not doing this for Edward or Bella. I'm doing this for you." After we finished talking on the phone my doorbell rang. After hours of looking for Bella, Sam found her and took her back to her father where she stayed for along time. Month after month Bella stayed in a depressed mood not talking to any of her friends and every night screaming in her sleep waking Charlie up, he's getting pretty worried about her. Everyday I smell Victoria running threw forks and la push trying to get Bella and kill her but the pack and me chase her to the Canadian border but she keeps coming back. Bella has started to do dangerous stuff just to see an allusion of Edward I think she is going crazy because she is starting to creep me out. I'm going over to Jacob's to see how he's doing when I see Bella's truck in the drive way, I go to the gradge were I know Jacob is "Hey Jacob how are you today. Why are you building two motorcycles." "Oh hi Katherine how are you today I'm fine and my friend Bella asked me too." "Jacob you are one crazy sixteen year old I've ever met." "Why are you here and not with Sam and his cult." "Jacob you know I'm not part of Sam's cult as everyone calls it and Sam doesn't control me." "Ok you wanna help." "No I just wanted to come and say hi. But I got to go back home and clean so I'll see you later Jacob." When I got home Sam was there with his pack. After hours of talking to Sam and his pack they left and I relaxed for the rest of the day till Victoria came back so that meant time to chase her out. Well trying to drive a motorcycle didn't work to well with Bella, she crashed and hit a rock that wasn't good. Then a few weeks later Jacob phased and tried to push Bella away but she kept on calling him then one day when we came to get Jacob, Bella was there and started yelling at Sam, Paul laughed and he got slapped he phased, him and Jacob fight etc. Bella know about the wolfs were keeping watch on her and her dad which is boring I talk to Carlisle and tell him what's been going on and all that stuff. Few weeks later Bella went cliff diving which was dangerous, she survived but Alice and I had a vision saying she died which Edward found out from Rosalie and is going to the Volturi so he can die to. Alice and Bella are going to save Edward but Jacob is trying to stop her but failed so I said I'd go with them to make sure Bella was safe and came home safe and sound. While on the plane I had a vision of me with someone I didn't know and we were kissing when it ended it creeped me out I was confused at why I had that vision but one phrase cot my attention "la tua cantante" I knew what that phrase meant and I hoped it was not true. As Alice drive like she in grand theft auto I kept thinking about that vision it freaked me out. After a few minutes of Alice's driving I turned into a cute little squirrel and stayed on Bella's shoulder so I could stay with her. As we made it to Volterra Italy it was getting close to the time when Edward would revel him self to the humans. So we were trying to hurry but we got stopped so Bella and I got out of the car and she ran while I stayed on her shoulder. After she ran for awhile we finally made it to him and stopped him just in time but I felt my mate near so I hid my sent. After a while of them talking and so on we made it to the throne room were I saw my father, Marcus, and Caius. I could also see Elizabeth's mate Alec and his sister Jane, I stayed in my squirrel form but I felt a pull to Demetri who I knew was the one from my vision. "May I ask who this animal is on Bella's shoulder." "No one you know." "Really because it's eyes remind me of my daughter who I left many year ago." That got me mad to were I couldn't keep my form anymore "Katherine no." But it was to late I changed into my human form. "Ha long time no see Katherine how have you been." "It's not really any of your business Aro. Beside why do you care you left me so you lost all rights to be worried about me or ask how I've been these past thousand years." "Yes I left you but I still care about my beloved daughter. I would like you to join us it's not like you have anywhere else to go." "That's were your wrong Aro I have a place to call home and people who to me are my family. So I decline your offer." As I walk towards the door I get pulled into a chest with strong arms around me and I knew who it was it was my mate Demetri who said the words I feared so much "la tua cantante". I struggled to get free but failed miserably I could tell Aro herd what Demetri said because he let out a wearied laugh. "Let go of me now Demetri." "Why should I Katherine." "It seems you have no choice but to stay Katherine." I growled at all of them and kept trying to get free but it only ended with me unconsus because I had no time to put my shield up. When I woke up I was in a room on a soft bed but I knew I was not home "I see you finally woke up my beloved Katherine." "Where am I Demetri." "Your in my room well now it's also your room Katherine." As he said that he got closer to me. I started to scoot back on the bed till I hit the head board, then I tried to get off the bed on the other side but Demetri grabbed me before I could. He held me close to him, I tried to struggle out of his arms but he would just tighten his grip on me. I finally just gave up and went limp in his arms to tired to fight him. "You done struggling my lovely Katherine." I just nodded my head not wanting to talk but I knew I had to get out of here.

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