Chapter 30 many years later

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It's been two thousand years since the war with the Volturi Aro and Caius we're burned alive the new people running the Volturi are Alec and Isabelle they repented for all the things they've done all those years ago now Lilly visits them every so often with her mate and kids. The people who chose to live in peace chose where they wanted to go. Everything in the supernatural world has stayed in peace we all changed my kids travel around the world and come back every so often. Demitri has tried to get me to forgive him but I'm still mad at him for what he did I know and yes I've been mad at him for two thousand years but I can't forgive a betrayal that easy. "Katherine please forgive me I had no choice he threatened to kill you" "and you believed him do you think I'm that weak he knew I could kill him but he also knew that you would believe him." "Please forgive me I'm sorry" "fine but if you betray me again I will kill you myself" after that was said we went back to loving each other. When ever someone needed me they could always fined me in my garden I loved it there I also dressed some what more like a fairy because I was more comfortable like that. I ruled the vampires with more kindness then Aro did there was less crimes I made the Volturi the law keepers of the vampires I would call on them when I needed to. The Romans got there land back and they agreed to not harm anyone so they kept there promise and no one was trying to kill any of us but even in our peaceful world I can still sense a great evil somewhere and we must all be ready for that day. Every supernatural being can also sense it and all of use are preparing for a war that might come and destroy all of use and maybe the whole world.

Princess Katherine Voltori QuileuteWhere stories live. Discover now