Chapter 29 War has begun

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After we left Volterra I called for a meeting with all the rulers to discuss our plans for the war. It seems like we will win but I have this really bad feeling that something is going to happen so we all must be ready. As the months passed everyone was training for this war the war started 3 years ago and this war is continuing on, my kids have grown up in all this war I have had to train them to protect themselves and others. Demitri has tried to get me to stop this but I can't stop a war that has been long overdue he chose to stand with the Volturi so I can't help him anymore. Since he made this choice to not keep his kids and wife safe then I might have no other choice but to do the spell to break the mate bond to were he would no longer be my mate. As the days go on my children are getting very sick I don't know what is wrong with them until I see a Volturi guard coming out of my kids shared room. I take his sense away then have him restrained while the counsel decides what to do. I ask him why he was making my children sick he told me he was ordered to by Aro to kill them slowly so they can't fight against him. Once I heard that I was ready to kill my father after what he tried to do so now i would only let those who will agree to peace live. But some of them will probably die for my father many life's will be lost and it will kill me to do this but it must be done. The day has come for the war the Volturi had less people then I expected but it didn't matter it was up to some of them what they wanted "well this is a surprise how little of you there are now that Chelsea is dead" "yes but it doesn't matter we will win this war Katherine" I doubt that Aro after what you have done to my kids trying to kill them I will personally kill you myself. But to the rest of you I give you a choice surrender and live in peace or die here and now with the false King." " Katherine I want to ask something of you please." "Of course Marcuse what can I do for you." "I ask you to please kill me so I can be with my dead wife please." "As you wish Marcuse come forward." Marcuse came forward and I met him have way I used one of my gifts to make sure he felt no pain once his head was severed from his body I set him on fire and that was the hardest things I've had to do in all my years of living. Many of the Volturi members came to my side to live in peace but those who didn't choose that were killed Demitri chose to live in peace with me.

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