Chapter 9 All Is Revealed

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Jake has been coming around my house to get me to hang out with him and I do but I feel he is sensing that something's different about me. I've started showing and everyone ask me if I'm pregnant so I told them the whole truth how far along I am and who the father is and when they where conceived. I also told them who my father is, I don't like talking about him because I don't see him as my father at all, I told them my hole past from start till I met each one of them some parts of my past I wish I had never done but they turned me into the person I am today. Alice won't stop with all the baby stuff it's giving me a head aech Bella called me and Rosily to ask us for help with something we said we'd help, once she got here she told us what was going on so we took on keeping everyone from trying to get to her. I told Bella and Edward that I was pregnant, who's it was, and so on but mine is much slower then Bella's, I drank blood to keep the baby happy and not try to hurt me. I felt bad for Bella she was getting weaker by the day Jack found out and left the pack when they were planing on killing Bella before the baby was born Leah and Seth did to. After awhile Bella started to drink blood like I do but she drinks human blood I drink animal because I tried human blood but threw it up seconds later so animal blood it was. I feel bad for Bella because Edward is distant towards her, I keep telling him to be happy to be having a child but he just keeps arguing with me about it so I just use my mink to torture him. After awhile Edward came around and was happy to be having a baby with Bella even if she could die but I won't let that happen.

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