Black Kisses *PREVIEW*

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  • Dedicated to My friends on Pink Pad for inspiring me to never stop writing :)

Icy tears dripped down her gorgeous face. Each tiny drop was packed with frustration, depression, anxiety, and the feeling of betrayal.

A huge sob burst out of her lips.

She felt ugly, stupid, and unloved. She knew what she was going to do next.

She grabbed a knife that she'd used earlier to cut open boxes and gripped it tightly.

"Do it, you w**** ," she cursed. "You f*** ing b**** y w**** ."

With a huge scream, she slit open a part of her arm with the blade. Furious rain pattered on her window, accompanied by growling thunder and dancing lightning colliding in the sky.

What was he doing now? Kissing her extreme fear of thunderstorms away? Stroking her hair? Hugging her close, promising to never let her go? Buying her fancy gifts? Promising her future trips to DC?

Thunder continued to roar in the sky as Maya furiously continued slicing away her body, bit by bit.

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