Chapter 25: Confrontations

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As Killian paced in his cell, all he could think about was whether he would get to see Emma again. He knew her parents would charge him with treason and have him executed, probably by hanging.

He had been pacing for several hours now, and nothing had changed. He  tried making small talk with the guards, just to be friendly, but they ignored him. Killian had no way of keeping track of time because there were no windows to see the sun, and it was driving him crazy.

Suddenly, a dull thud filled the small room. Killian's gaze shifted up from the ground and he saw the two guards that were stationed at the door unconscious on the ground. He stood up and went right up to the bars to see what was happening. The wooden door that separated the cells from the rest of the palace opened slowly, and Emma slid in silently. "Emma!" He exclaimed as she walked towards his cell. "Hey," She smiled. "How are they treating you?" She asked softly.

"It could be worse." Killian answered as he leant forward so that his head was between the bars. "Did you do that?" He asked, indicating towards the unconscious guards. "Yea," She replied sheepishly. "How?" He asked curiously. "Um I've sorta been working on controlling my magic, and I knocked them out with it."

"When were you doing that?" Killian rested his arms on the bars. "Uh at night sometimes, when you're asleep." Emma replied reluctantly, looking down and shuffling her feet in the straw that covered the cold stone floor. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you." Killian told her. Emma sighed and looked down, not saying a word. He frowned slightly, but then realisation dawned on him, "I get it, you were ashamed. I won't judge you, Swan. You have nothing to worry about." He tilted her chin up with his thumb and forefinger. "How did you know that?"

"You're like an open book to me, love." Killian smirked knowingly. "Anyway, I came to tell you that when my parents come, I'll do everything I can to persuade them to let you go." Emma stated with a small sigh. "But what will happen to us? It's not like your parents are just going to let you go with me." Killian said rather harshly.

"I don't know, Killian. If they don't let me go, I'll run away again. I don't want to be a princess anymore, I want to be with you. I love you too much to let you go." Emma told him, determined to be with him. He smiled, "I love you, and nothing will ever change that." He said, then leant through the bars and kissed her passionately. "I know." Emma smirked. "I'm glad I got to see you, but I better go before someone notices I'm gone."

"Goodbye, Swan." Killian said before leaning in and giving her one last kiss before she left him alone with just his thoughts and worries.


A week later, Emma's parents arrived. For the past week, Emma hadn't been allowed to go anywhere without a guard following her. She usually spent most of her time at the library, and every night she had managed to see Killian without getting caught. 

But as Emma watched the baby blue carriage approach the castle, dread and panic set in. What if her parents sentence Killian to death? It wasn't his fault, it was hers. Guilt. That's what Emma was feeling. She got him into this mess, it was her fault if he died. This thought brought tears to her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away as she put on a brave face and descended the stairs to meet her parents. Two guards were following her to make sure she didn't run.

"Oh my God! Emma we missed you so much!" Snow said as she pulled Emma into a bone-crushing hug. Emma didn't hug back, but her father joined in hugging them both. Once they pulled back, Emma's father looked furious. "What were you thinking, running away like that?!" He shouted sternly.

"I was thinking that I hate the life of a princess, it's so boring. I wanted adventure, fun! Not to be tied down by rules and regulations! I can't live that life, not after I felt what it was like to be free." Emma explained. "It's not like you care anyway." She added.

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