Chapter 1- Why??

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My first day at school in Australia was....un predicted some would say but I think it's the devils work.....

So here's the thing my name is Eleanor Jane Prior. Im 16, 157cm, medium brown hair, brown eyes and I decided to get away from England and live at my aunty and uncles place for the year. I have a big dislike for fake people, I don't trust any boy, I use to dance and have one younger sister. Today had just been my first day at Clover High.


The final bell had just rung and I was so happy to be out of the hell place people call school. I made friends today, Josh, Callen and Ashley they aren't the popular kids so that good. I was so happy - I got pulled out of my thoughts as I got pushed into something or rather someone.

"Watch where you're going" the voice said as I recomposed myself.

"Got pushed. Jeeze what made you so grumpy today?" I retorted. Like I said I don't like fake people and from my experience this boy is fake I can tell, he had the whole bad boy look to him.

"Clearly you don't know who I am?" He said with sexy smile.

"Nope" I said popping the p and walking away not caring to who he was.

All I saw was his brown hair, brown eyes and by the looks of it he worked out. A lot. He was tall, well compared to my height anyway.

~~End flashback~~ 

When I got home I was greeted by my aunty and uncle cuddling on the lounge, it was cute cause their only in their mid 20's so I don't mind it. But I have a feeling tonight isn't going to end well.

"We have something we need to tell you El" my uncle Merve said to me as I was walking into the kitchen to grab something to eat because I was starving.

Turn out we have skittles, score! They are the best, if you don't agree with me then something is wrong with you.

"We are going to have a boy stay with us. His name is Ben and he goes to your school. Where not sure if you have seen him yet. He should be hear any minuet." Aunt Kate explained.

I was frozen in my walking position and I asked them why but I didn't wait for a response I just kept walking to the lounge. As I sat down I continued to eat my skittles and ignored Merve and Kate until this person comes to give me hell.  I turned on MTV just as the door bell rang but ignored it because Just give me a reason by P!nk ft. Nate Ruess came on.

I heard someone say my name and I turned to see the boy that was rude to me today at school was standing there in the house staring at me. I had to pinch myself to see if I wasn't dreaming.

"Eleanor, this is Ben he will be staying with us until-"

"NO!" I shouted at Merve.

"Do you even remember why I am her? DO YOU!?" I was yelling now and saying I was angry at them was an understatement, I was beyond angry.

"Yes, I do but-"

"Well why are you doing this to me. You could have said no to me coming if you knew this was going to happen. So WHY!?" I was getting more upset now rather than being angry.

I sprinted out of the room and out of the house to find somewhere I can hide and nobody would find me.

~~Bens Pov~~ 

I don't mind staying at Merve and Kate's place, they were cool people, while my parents go and see my brother and his soon to be fiancé. When I got there Merve answered the door for me and told me I have meet someone.

Hmm I wonder who else it could be. I thought to myself.

When we entered the living room all I could do was stair, that's all I could do. Then something in my brain clicked and it was that girl that pushed into me today at school. Wow she is-

I got cut out of my thoughts when she pushed past me, it was only for a couple of seconds but I missed it. Gosh it sounds like I am falling in love and I don't even know her name.

"Do you want me to go and look for her?" I asked Kate and Merve.

"Yes please Ben. But don't try anything on her because it won't work and her name is Eleanor" Merve said with a smile, meaning he saw me staring at her, dam it.

10 minutes later I found her at the park on her phone. I stayed back and observed for a minute and no, not because im a creepy stalker but I want to know why she ran out like that but also give her some space.

"Laura I want to come back so badly. You know my past and this isn't going to go end any other way, they all say the same thing and then it ends the same."

"No. I am telling you-"

"Fine. But only for you and I will keep that promise to you"

"Okay by and thanks for listening"

~~Eleanor's Pov~~ 

After my phone call I decided to head back. When I turned around Ii saw Ben and jumped so high into the air.

"Oh my gosh you scared me. How much did you hear of that conversation?" I asked not really sure if I want an answer or not, but he gave me one anyway.

"Enough to know you want to go back to your real home. Com on I think we better get back cause dinner is ready" Ben replied and I think I might start to trust him.

Don't trust him. You have known him for like 10 minutes 

But he seems generally nice 

Fine...but don't expect me to do say a thing when you get yourself into trouble. 

My inner thoughts annoy me so much but they are right. 

The walk home was quiet and I was thankful for that because I was still having a battle with myself.

"Im not hungry. Im just going to go to bed" I told Kate and Merve. When I got to bed I fell asleep straight away.

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