Chapter 19 - Home Town

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I was rudely awoken up at the godly hour of 4:30am!! Now I am no morning person but seriously this is just morally wrong. I know I have to get on a plane to go home but I really don't want to wake up, I am so comfy in the bed.

“You always make this hard for me” I heard Ben say mumble. The next thing I know Ben has whipped the sheets of me and turned on the lights. I gathered I should get up if I want the window seat, no matter how childish that sounds.  

Deciding with my thoughts that were right I got changed and I didn't even care that Ben was sitting on the bed, I was too tired. Once I got dressed in jeans and the jumper Ben had let me keep, he doesn't know about that yet but what he doesn't know won’t hurt him, and my brown UGG’s. We met Merve and Kate down in the lobby and headed off for this 19 hour plane ride. Once we made it to the airport we had to go through customs and got breakie again. While the boys went McDonalds again, typical, Kate and I were at the little coffee shop.

After a long wait it was finally 5am and we could aboard our plan. When we got on the plane I noticed Merve and Kate were sitting at the back and we were near the front. The next thing I noticed was 5 seconds of Summer coming onto the plane along with One direction. After everybody had taken their seats we were off in the air.

During the plane ride, I had slept, hung out with Ben, hung out with 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction and we all decided to swap numbers. After a while we all did our own thing. I fell asleep with my head on Ben’s lap.

 After what seemed like a very short sleep I had actually had a few hours of sleep. When the plane landed it was about 11pm the next day and I hoped on Ben’s back for a piggy back ride to the car and of course there were screaming girls there. Go figure, we came out of a plane with One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer, we might be the most hated people by these girls at the time.  When we got to a quiet place we all said our goodbyes because the boys are going to do some shows here then go on break but we all decided to keep in contact and Skype as soon as they were free.

The next day I got woken up by Emerson jumping on the bed. I snuggled more into Ben until I heard the noise of a camera and opened one eye to see Greg standing there with a camera taking a picture of us.

“Please Emerson- “ was all I got to say before she let out a little squeal and I saw Ben had his arms wrapped around her and pulled her to his chest.

“If you don't be quiet and let El sleep I will have to eat you, im sure you will taste nice” he said pretending to begin to eat Emerson. She soon yelled ‘you will never catch me’ while jumping up and running out of the room. I turned to face Ben but all I see is him running to find Emerson in only his sweatpants. What a lovely sight.

I laid in bed for a little longer until I decided to go and tell Ben where she would be. As I made my way down the stairs I noticed mum and Greg making breakfast and by the smell of it, it's a full English breakie.

“She’s  under the lounge” which got me a skeptical look in return.

“Just lift the cushions up” I said with a smile waiting for this to unfold. Once he lifted the cushions up Ben wrap his arms around Emerson and began carrying her into the kitchen saying she look very nice to eat and just needed to add some sauce.

“But  you will have to wait another time, because this looks so much nicer than eating you. Did you want help with anything Mi- Lisa and Greg?” Ben questioned. While he was talking I walked up to him and hugged him and said good morning.

“No its fine, we have done everything.” Mum said as she got plated.

“Morning babe” Ben told me kissing me which was filled with passion like every time.

“Aren’t you cold?” I questioned Ben.

“Yea a little” he smiled sheepishly. Just then the door opened and my little cousin Abli walked in with his parent Tony and Rachel.

“Albi” I screamed and ran over to him.

“El” he screamed back. After our meeting we sat down to breakfast but we got to sit in the lounge room.

After breakfast we all helped clean up and got told to get dress because we are going out for the day.  But we had no idea where we were going. I got dressed (outfit in external link). Once we made it down everybody was ready and we headed out the day. (Im just going to pretend that all these places are within 1hour driving distance of El’s home)

Our first place we went I recognized it as soon as possible.

“The Brook. Who is playing?” I asked to nobody in particular.

“Bonnie Anderson” (go and check out her songs!!)

“Nice, always liked her” I said. As soon as we got in there I noticed so many people from school and instantly grabbed hand.

“That's Josh, the drummer on stage” as soon as I said that Ben said he wouldn’t let anything happen to me.

During the concert we had a wonderful time and nobody noticed me from school which was great. When we made our way out I noticed Josh at the door we had to go out.

“Well well well, look at this” Josh said loud enough for the rest of the guys to hear, everybody had left and it was only Ben and I to walk out the door.

“Piss of Josh nobody wants to hear what you are going to stay” I told him while gripping onto Bens hands knowing fully capable of what he can do.

“You see that's where you are wrong, you left the country because everybody believed what I said and nobody cared about you. The girl who got played, the prude, the girl nobody wanted to be friends with. I still own the school and everybody worships me and I treat them with great respect” he said solemnly to me. I felt Ben tense beside me and knew what was coming next.

“You know, when you are one with this I can hook you up with a proper girl. Oh and let me tell you a little about Eleanor, she use to party, do steamy hooks up but never once had sex. I would be careful of kissing her, you never know what he might have caught kissing all those boys” that was all it took for me to punch Josh square in the face, everybody stayed quiet around me and I ran out there with no dignity I had left.

Once I got to the car, Ben got in 3 seconds later and then he explained everything to my mum. After a while I calmed down and I was good now. When I looked out the window I noticed we were at St Mary’s Stadium, I let out a little squeal and looked around to notice we were playing Newcastle and I was so pumped. This was going to be a good game, Newcastle sitting in 7th place and we are sitting in 8th place. When we got out of the car Ben put his arm around me and we followed the others.

It was a packed stadium, I was originally sitting by a boy our age and he kept brushing his leg against me so i made Ben, as well as Emerson, come and get drinks. Once we got there Ben walked in first so I couldn't have to sit beside the boy again.

During the game I had to tell Ben the bits I knew of it but other than that it was a very close game. It was 1 all and we had 2 minutes of injury time, we got a free kick with 1 minute to go and we made it. Everybody went ballistic and even Ben was happy we had won. That means we now sit in 7th place.

We made our way back to the car and Emerson fell asleep while Greg was giving her a piggy back rid. Once we got home we had to wake Emerson up for dinner which was burgers and chips. After dinner, Ben and I went up to our room.

“I can’t believe you went out with that dickhead” Ben suddenly said while taking his shirt f.

“Yea I am surprised. Although he most defiantly wasn't like that. After the incident at the party he changed so much and for the worst to. As for me though yes I did go and party only ever drank occasionally and did kiss a few boys in truth and dare.” I told him honestly while changing into the shirt I always sleep in and sit on the bed.

“Well at least now I know I have a girlfriend who will go and party with me” Ben said with a cheeky smile on his face.

A/N Sorry for the wait!! vote and coment please!

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