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*Ben’s P.O.V.*

There she is looking beautiful as always; swinging with our two kids Lucas and Eliza. Before I get into this, let me first explain to you what all has happened throughout the past years.

Once Eleanor and I graduated school I proposed to her. It was a classy proposal, and I’m glad she loved it. Within that year of being engaged, we had our first child. We named him Lucas in honor of both of our Grandfathers. Lucas Jaymes Huffman. He is now four years old with blond hair and beautiful brown eyes like his momma’s.

At the end of that year we had our beautiful wedding. It was a typical but special wedding. It wasn’t too small or too big. Just family and a few friends came. Emerson was the Flower Girl and Luke was our Ring Bearer. Emerson was kind enough to pull Lucas down the aisle in a wagon. It was quite a cute moment. That day was perfect. We exchanged or vows and became husband and wife.

After our amazing honeymoon in Hawaii, we lived our lives like a normal, happy family. I am a Firefighter and El is still a model. We took great care of Lucas and bought our own house.

Then, that next year we had a beautiful baby girl named Eliza. Eliza Jane Huffman. She is now two and has black hair and hazel eyes like me. It’s such an amazing miracle creating a life and seeing it born and being able to claim it as partly yours to raise; yours to love.

We’ve managed to stay close friends with One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer. Actually, they’re here right now. It’s a warm summer night and we’ve been having a barbeque with all of them in our backyard. We had a good time eating and playing with the kids.

“Luke, Elli! It’s nigh-night time!” Eleanor called.

“Ah! I’m not tired!” Luke Hemmings jokingly cried.

“Not you!” El yelled as she knocked him on the head. All of One Direction and 5SOS lined up, ready for hugs and kisses. Out of all of them, Niall and Eliza are the closest and Ashton and Luke were the closest.

They all gave hugs, but when Luke gave Ashton a hug he said “I’m going to miss you.” It made us all emotional. Then, when Eliza gave Niall a hug she whispered “I love you Uncle Ni” and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then he replied with “I love you too, Princess.” It all made us tear up.

Eleanor and I tucked the kids in bed and gave them hugs and kisses while Liam held down the fort.

“Ready?” I ask everyone in the kid’s bedroom.

“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I shall die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” We all prayed together.

“We love you to the moon and back” we say to our children.

“We love you mommy! Love you daddy!” they both giggle. Eleanor opens their balcony door a crack as I shut off the light. We walked into the hallway and closed the door.

We make or way back outside and finish the night with a bonfire and singing some songs. Then we went to sleep while One Direction and 5SOS camp in our backyard. What a lovely happy ending. Or, shall I say beginning?

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