Chapter 14 - Melbourne

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Its been 2 days since my birthday, nothing much has happened. We are now driving home and staying the day in Melbourne. We left at 5 in the morning so we can have a full day. We have been driving for 3 hours and we only have 1 and half left.

 I can’t wait to spend the day in Melbourne with Ben. I have slept most of the way but we have sung along to my music for the rest of the way.

“So what do you want to do when we get to Melbourne?” Ben asked me.

“Hmmm, maybe go shopping, to the zoo, or to the heart of Melbourne.” I said looking out the window, seeing not much apart from trees.

“Hmm maybe we could go to the zoo because we went shopping in Bondi but maybe since its Thursday we can go shopping after and have dinner” Ben suggested.

“Sounds like a plan to me. But I can pay for myself when we go shopping right” I raised both my eye browns because I wouldn’t just raise one, and gave him a pointed look.

“But then I would be a horrible boyfriend if I did let you. Come on my parents are rich and they give me a lot of money each month and I haven’t had anyone to spend it on.” He told me while taking my hand in his.

“You never told me your parents were rich” I said looking at him, practically also admiring his sexiness but I will never admit that.

“Well they own Westfield so yea but I don’t get recognised at all so it’s all good.” He casually said.

“Mhmm then” I replied.

During the next hour and a half we talked about everything that had happened in Bondi and school coming up and sang some songs. As soon as we got a chuckle from Ben.

Once we made our way to the hotel we were staying at and checked in and met with the others to get today’s schedule which consisted of a day to ourselves because they had a meeting today and again tonight. Ben and I made our way up to the room. After we put our stuff in the room, got changed and talked about our finial plans for today we made our way to the zoo.

Once we got to the zoo it was about 9:30ish. We paid to get in and we got a zoo map. Ben wanted to be in charge of the camera today so I let him. We were walking around and we stopped at every animal to have a look and I hope that Ben had taken lots of photos. We saw every animal you could think of there were; elephants, baboons, bongos, mandrills, bears, lemurs and many more. We had some lunch and continued looking around and going to the Japanese garden and the butterfly centaury. After we finished at the zoo it was around 5:30. We headed back and showered and relaxed for a bit.

At 6:30 we headed off to harbour town, apparently it’s got the best shops around here and easy to get to. The first shop we went to was cotton on. I only brought a pair of pants to wear around the house for my lazy days. We then made our way to a casual pizza restraunt called Harrys Harbour Pizza. It was better than the pizza we had Bondi, it was amazing. Once we left we continued shopping. We shopped for 3 hours all up. In the end I brought some vans, high-tops, shorts, tops and a canvas for my pictures. Ben brought some tops, pants, jumpers and a phone case. One the way back we listened to music and talked about school, which we have to go back in 3 days. So not looking forward to it (note my sarcasm) and all the questions Ashley is going to ask me.

Once we got home we packed our stuff and watched some TV. Ben had his arm wrapped around me and I felt my eye lids slowly begin to drop, after fighting it I finally gave up and fell into a peace full slumber.

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