Chapter 12- Birthday Part 1

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Happy birthday to you, comment

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Eleanor,

 Happy birthday to you.

This is what I got woken up to. I mean come on it’s my birthday let me sleep in for god’s sake.

“Why can’t I sleep in” I questioned them as I berried my head into my pillow even more to see if they will go away.

“Come on babe wake up” Ben said as he pulled of the sheets.

“Urge” I said as I sat up in bed, I didn’t even care that I only had bens shirt on and my undies I was too tired.  As I rubbed my eyes I noticed there were heaps of presents on my bed which made me smile. I heard a camera click go off to find Kate had my camera. Ben had decided he wanted to come and sit back on the bed.

“Okay where do I start” I asked myself while tapping my chin with my pointer figure.

“How about from your parents first” Merve said with caution. I let out a bitter laugh when he said this.

“Parents my ass” I mumble to my self except I think Ben heard ‘cause he ran his hand on my leg in a comforting way. I smiled to him in return.

“I got $100 from mum and a card saying ‘wish you were here with us to celebrate your birthday. Emerson misses you heaps and always wants to know when you will get back home, I keep telling her soon and she seems to smile at that. I am engaged to get married again, to a wonderful man and I hope you will Skype us tonight or tomorrow. Lots of love mum, Emerson and Greg’ why is mum getting married again” I asked Merve and Kate. They each had a sad look on their face.

“Tell me please I am begging you” I asked them on the verge of tears.

“Open your dad’s present first el” Merve told me in voice I don’t even recognise on him.

“Dad gave me a photo album with all our pictures in there of just us two.” I looked at it confused. I didn’t want to open the card because I was scared to see what’s in there. Ben passed me the card.

“I will be here no matter what” he said as he put the card on my lap.

“We might head out until this is over” Macey said.

“No stay, you guys are like family I don’t want you to go” I told them truthfully. Soon everyone sat on the ground or on the bed.

“Here goes ‘dear Eleanor, I know you will hate me after I tell you this but firstly I would like to wish you a very happy 17th birthday. I am sorry I can’t celebrate it with you and I am sorry I have to deliver the new to you like this. I cheated on your mother with another woman 5 years ago and we had a kid together, I fell out of love your mother but kept the marriage going for you and Emerson. I am now happy with Heidi and our son Harry. I hope you will come and visit us soon, please Skype me as soon as you get this love dad’” as soon as I finished reading it I burst into tears and Ben pulled me onto his lap.

“Can you start skyping mum please” I said between cries.

After a while I settled down and mum accepted my call.

“Hey darling” she said

“Sissy” Emerson said which brought a smile to my face.

“Hey guys I miss you so much and thank you for my present.” I told them.

“Oh and guess what” Emerson said with a smile on her face.

“What is it em” I questioned her.

“We have a new dad, his name is Greg. I like him a lot better than our old dad.” She told me with a smile on my face. I felt bens hand rub on my back. My heart literally fell into pierces when she said that.

“Here I will get him so you can meet our new daddy.” She said as she walked away to get him.

“Omg mum I am so sorry dad did this to you but it breaks my heart even more I can’t be with Emerson and she even said I like this daddy better” I said nearly crying again.

“Don’t be sorry honey. It didn’t surprise me one bit but we have another surprise for you for when em and Greg get back” she told me with a smile.

“El this is Greg, Greg this is my big sissy El” em introduced us.

We talked for a while but I noticed it would be getting late there so I let Merve and Kate talk to mum and Greg.

“Keep opening the present’s sweetie while we talk.” Kate said while walking into the other room.

As I kept opening the present I got a new camera lens I had wanted since I got here from Macey and Scott. From Merve and Kate I got some new earrings shaped in a love heart and some new clothes and shoes. Now it was time to open Ben’s present.

“I hope you like it” he said as he gave me a small box and a big box and then wrapped his arms back around my waist. I opened the big box first. It was a canvas of all the pictures I had taken of us and the pictures Ben had taken of me on our trip, in the middle of it said happy 17th El.

“That’s so sweet I love it babe.” I told him as I kissed his lips quickly so I could open the other present. The other one was a small box. When I opened it I saw the most beautiful silver bracelet I had ever seen, it was silver plated wrap bracelet with ‘I love you xo’ engraved on it.

“It’s so beautiful Ben.” I said as I kissed him on the lips again.

“Its true I do love you babe” he told me. My heart had stopped for a moment. Ben just told me he loved me.

“How, you have only known me for me like a week.” I questioned looking into his eyes.

“Well at first I thought I didn’t and I was just thinking it but then I talked to your cousins and they told me its love at first sight. I can understand if you don’t want o say-“

“I love you to Ben” I said then he crashed his lips onto mine again.

“Hey guys- wow what’s happening here” I heard Merve say.

“Shit” I mumbles so only ben could hear and by the sound of his chuckle he heard.

“Last night I asked El to be my girlfriend and she said yes” ben said with so much pride.

“Oh okay thanks for telling us guys. Wait until the girls find out” he said s he called his wife and Macey and Scott.

“Guess what. Ben and El are going out as of yesterday” Merve said with a smile.

And with that the girls asked me questions on how it happened, where and when and why weren’t they told straight away. I laughed at them and answered there questions.

“Oh and we have one more present for you” Kate said as she mentioned for her t follow us to Macey and Scott’s room. When the door opened all I could do was see Emerson watching Disney channel. As soon as she heard the door open her head shot towards me.

“El” she screamed as she ran towards me.

“Em, what are you going here” I said as I hugged her just as tight as she hugged me.

“I will tell you another time” mum told me.

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