Chapter 17 - A Letter

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A/N Short update guys!! I have been sick and got my yearly exams. The holidays are coming up soon so I will be able to write more. Vote and comment.

It’s been 2 weeks since Ben and I had done our English poster. Also during these 2 weeks we he had also managed to know the whole Take Me Home album song’s and got a rough idea of whose voice is who. I am very proud of him.

Nothing much has happened in school, we handed in our English poster and it is the best out of class if I may say so myself.  There is only 6 days until mum; Emerson and Greg come to live here. I am so excited; Emerson and I have been on Skype nearly every day this week. School has been the same and nothing much eventful has happened.

Sitting in maths next to Ben has it twerks sometimes but today is not that day; he is really pissing me off.

“If you don’t stop annoying me, you might want to sleep with one eye open tonight” I whispered yelled at Ben angrily.

“You wouldn’t do that to me, you love me” he came back at me with a sexy smirk.

“Wanna bet” I raised both my eyebrows at him. I really need to learn to do just one eyebrow.

“Eleanor, you need to go to the office. Take your stuff cause the bell is about to go” my maths teacher told me.

“Okay” I replied back to him while packing my things up.

“Cya” I told Ben with a smile.

“Text me what happens babe” was his reply, no cya or goodbye.

Once I made my way down to the office I noticed my principal, Mr Sheargold holding what looked like a note.

“Here you go El” he told me as he handed me the note and told me I could go back to class. Once I made my way back to class the bell rang so I just waited for Ben to come out.

“Hey, how was it” he questioned me as he swung his arm around my shoulder.

“Im not sure, I got this letter” I said looking down at the letter.

“Oh, want me to leave so you can open it” he said. He is the sweetest boyfriend anyone could have.

“No, I was wondering if you would open it for me” I said looking at the letter. He looked taken back at first but then agreed. We headed away so we could open the letter. Once we found a spot we sat down and I gave it to him.

“You sure” he questioned me. I nodded my head in response and then what he told me next was something I will never forget.

“W-w-what” I asked in disbelief.

“You are invited to your mum and Greg’s wedding but it’s 2 days after one direction, that’s the only catch.” He told me once again.

“Omg” I said still not believing it.

“Also she wrote a note to you as well” he told me with unease in my voice.

“What does the note say” I said still not wanting to read it.

“El, I know this is going to be a lot to ask. I am aware that you are going to One Direction, then im asking you to get on a plane and come to my wedding 2 days after. The wedding is not your typical wedding, I am not having bridesmaid but I would love you to be there to celebrate. Also if you chose to come I have paid your airfare ticket and also you can chose to stay in a hotel or at home. After the wedding I will fly you back so you won’t have to spend lots of money on the plane ticket. Please come and celebrate with us and don’t forget to bring a plus one and wear a dress.

Love mum xox”

“We are going to England to a wedding Ben” I said really happy. Im so excited that I am going back to my old town for a while, I already have a dress and shoes I can wear.  I got pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rang and we made our way to class.

When I got home I told Merve and Kate the news and they said they got the same invite and I told them I am taking Ben and that they are going as well and can’t wait for it to happen. That night we had burgers for dinner and we watched LOL.

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