Chapter 6- Picture of Ben

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door. As I went to get up Ben's arm was still wrapped around me while hugging me from the back. That must be our favourite position. I gently lifted Ben's arm of me and climbed out bed to see who was at the door. When I opened the door I saw Merve. He smiled at me and I blushed remembering what I was wearing.

“Meet you down stairs for breakie in 10 minutes.” Merve said and walked away.

Really he couldn’t just have sent me a message as. I thought as I shut the door and headed back to wake Ben up.

“WAKE UP” I yelled close enough to his ear but not to close so he could go deaf. Ben jumped straight into the air landing in a sitting positions with an angry face. I had everything in me trying not to laugh.

“What the hell was that” Ben said rubbing his eyes.

“Waking you up” I said with an innocent smile.

“It was horrible. Make up a new plan. You know the saying third time lucky.” He replied as he got up. When he was in full view I took in his muscles. He had muscle shape but not to many muscles, you could tell he worked out even when he had his shirt on. His morning voice was to die for, I am so glad I agreed to go to Bondi. His brown hair messy and cute. I could get use to this every morning.

After about 10 minutes we were ready and heading for lift. On our short trip down we didn’t talk. When we got out we spotted Merve, Kate, Macy and Scott were sitting at a table waiting for us. As we walked over I noticed it was a buffet and it smelled amazing. Also when I looked at Kate she had a smile on her face so I smiled back and then she looked at Ben and mines intertwined hands and I blushed but kept hold of them. When we sat down we all said good morning and then Kate, Merve, Macy and Scott went to get their breakfast.

“What do you feel like for breakfast El?” Ben asked me while we were sitting down waiting for the adults to get back and then we could go.

“Hmm I don’t know really. I will see whats there then grab whatever. How about you, what do you want?” I questioned as I saw them walking back to the table.

“I'm not sure either but defiantly a potato rosti if they have any.” Ben said as soon as the adults came back and sat down we headed of.

First we got our drinks and I had a banana smoothie while Ben had apple juice, Ben took them back while i got two plates and waited for him to come back. When we went to the food section there was everything you could imagine. Different types of eggs, omelets, cereal, baked beans, bacon, sausages, pancakes and more. I filled my plate up with poached eggs, danish and a piece of toast with nutella. While Ben got bacon,poached egg,potato rosti and sausage plus a piece of toast.

When we sat down we talked about today and got told we had to drive to Goulburn and stay there over night and then head to our last stop, Wollongong.

While the adults were in their own conversation Ben and I were eating in our own world.

“El you have to have some potato rosti, it’s the best.” Ben said cutting a piece of for me.

“I don’t like potato” I told him

“El just try it, it doesn’t even taste like potato. Trust me” Ben said giving me a puppy look face.

“Fine” I sighed. As he  cut of a piece and fed it to me.

“Yummm, the are good.” I said as he gave me one of his potato rosti.

“Thanks bad boy” I said as I kept eating and deciding if he caught up with the nickname I gave him.

“Did you just call me bad boy?” Ben sounded either amazed or not believing I said that to him.

"Yes. It is your new nick name I am giving you since you call me El” I replied sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why am I now called bad boy, cutie?”

Huh so he thought of a nick name for me.

“Well you have this whole bad boy look to you and when you are around your friends at school you act like one but around me you don’t. And why do I get called cutie now?” I asked finishing my breakfast, that was amazing.

“Because you are and just because you have glasses doesn’t change my mind. When I saw you at school I didn’t really pay that much attention to you but then I saw you at Merve and Kate’s place I thought you were cute and while you were yelling at Merve and Kate I zoned out and stared at you and thought how beautiful you were and was my normal self around you. But I got pulled out of my thoughts when you barged pass me and ran out looking like you were about to cry which was true.” I tried to search in his eyes for anything that told me he was lying and I didn’t find anything. Well that was surprising, maybe he did tell me the truth but I won’t tell him the whole story about not liking boys and leaving England.

After breakfast we went back to the room to clean our teeth and start travelling again. After we got everything ready we headed out to give our key back at the front desk and waited for Merve, Kate, Macy and Scott. After a few minutes they cam down and gave the key to the front desk and we made our way to where we had parked the cars. While we were walking there Ben and I held hands but the others didn’t notice and I am thankful for that otherwise Kate would be on my back the whole time. I liked feelings Ben touch against mine and I wish we could go out but things would get to complicated and I don’t quite trust Ben 100 percent yet. When we got to the car we said goodbye to the others and Ben put my bags in the bag of the car. We got told we were heading to Wollongong. Its going to be another long day in the car.

“How many hours do you have for you L’s so far?” Ben questioned me about 10 minutes into the trip.

“All of them I just have to go and do the test and pass, and I have Ben studying every day.” I just have to have my birthday and we will be all good which is this week but Ben doesn’t know that and I am debating whether or not to tell him.

“Well than its official, I will book you a test to get your P’s so you can drive sometime and I can see how good you are.”  Ben replied with a genuine smile.

“Okay but how do you know I will be 17 by the time we get back” I said thinking if anyone had told him my birthday yet.

“Your having your birthday while we are in Bondi it’s the second day there, the 11th November.  Kate told me because I asked why we were allowed to come and she said because it was your birthday other wise we would be sitting in a classroom” well that makes sense now.

“And on your birthday you will get to do whatever you want BUT I shall be taking you to lunch and paying for it because we are having breakfast and dinner with the others.” Ben said with a smile.

“Okay suits me. Do I get to pick though?”

“No, because I already have a place in mind, i've been there before and I know the guy that runs the place, trust me you will like it.”

“Okay, I will hold you to it” I said smiling as I plugged my phone into the speakers. That’s one thing I like about Merve's car, you can play music on your phone thought the speaker of the car and it will charge at the same time.

As I picked a song I took of my shoes and got comfortable for this long car trip.

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