Chapter 4- Forgivenss

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Eleanor’s Pov

I was laying on my bed in my denim high wasted shorts and my old dance top that hung over one shoulder. I was downloading some music when I got a message on Facebook.

From Callen

‘Hey have you done the history essay on women yet?’

Shit!!! O.M.G I compeleaty forgot, dam it!

‘Thank you so much for reminding me. I haven’t done it yet :( ’ I typed it so fast I think I spelt some words one, but I didn’t care.

As I sat at my desk I pulled my hair out of its messy bun and put my glasses on and begun working on my essay.

As I was half way through my published copy I heard a knock on my door.

“Com in” I said not bothered to look up and determined to finish this.

“Hey El, have you packed yet?” Ben asked me from my door. Holy cow! So much to do in so little time, how could I forget about Bondi,  I have been so excited about this ever since Merve and Kate told me.

“Look I don’t like this silent treatment” Ben said almost pleading after a minute of silence.

“Well give me three reasons why I should talk to you again?” I questioned because I actually want to hear this. I looked up as I finished my last sentence.

“Easy. First; I have been constantly asking Kate and Merve ways to get you to talk to me secondly I have been internally beating myself up because of this and haven’t told anyone about your secret and lastly I can’t stand not talking to you anymore and I miss our friendship” Ben said as he sat on my bed and looked at me in the eye with everything he said. As he said his reasons I saw regret, anger and happiness flicker his eyes at different stages in his reasoning.

“Ben I was never angry at you I more upset that you would do that to me. I accept you reasons and miss our friendship also.” I told him truthly.

“So friends again?”

“Defiantly” I said with a smile on face. As I finished that Ben wiped out his phone and tool a picture of me.

“Oi! Delete that now, I have my glasses on and you said no one would know about my secret” I said as I lunge at him but he just sprinted out the door.

“No one will see it, only me and can I get another one without your glasses on pretty please” Ben asked as I was still trying to get to him.

As he ran though the kitchen door I jumped on the lounge and jumped on his back. He did not lose balance once and did not fall to the ground. How could he, but then when I put my arm around my neck I noticed why. Ben was built of muscle but not the muscley type you see they boys in movies but just the right amount where you can see he works out but not 24/7, if you don’t know what I mean then don’t worry.

“Give me your phone now Ben” I told him seriously.

“Nope I will not and I have a code on there so you still won’t be able to get in” he told me as the smell of pizza filled my nose.

“Do we get pizza for dinner?” I asked stupidly because there were pizza boxes on the table with plates and drinks.

“Well duh, why else would it be here” Ben replied as if I was stupid. As he placed me down on the ground so I could eat dinner.

“Well excuse me I never get pizza and YOU GOT COKE” I yelled the last bit.

“You aren’t getting any coke Eleanor Jane Prior” wow Merve used my whole name so he must be serious.

“Wwhhyy” I wined like a little kid who didn’t get there way.

“Because you get hyper and Ben has to drive tomorrow and I don’t want you to keep him up all night because you are all high on sugar. And do you remember what happened last time you had coke” Kate asked me.

“No. what happened”

“We were at you cousins birthday party and you got a coke without any of us knowing and you were bouncing of the walls and in by the end of the night you had drank 4 cokes and had a massive sugar hangover the next day and said you will never drink coke again and we all agreed with you”

“That’s in the past, I could have changed my habits but we never know because you won’t let me have it.” I said being all posh and sounding professional.

“Well in that case you are defiantly not allowed to have it.” Ben said

“Wait why am I driving in the morning, why can’t one of you drive.”  Ben questioned. I will have to start calling him 'fortnightly'.

“Because we are taking Scott and his wife from work because they have no car and you are on your P’s and will get to use Merve’s car.” Kate told me.

“Yea we get to go in the Blue Mazda.” I was so pumped because Merve never let's me drive his car, I had to drive Kate's 4 wheel driver.

As we ate pizza we talked about what’s happening in Bondi and that we have to have dinner with Merve and Kate every night unless something comes up at work and blah blah blah. I hope Ben was listening because I switched off.

Bens Pov

“Okay I am going to head up and pack” El said after she finished dinner. After we couldn’t hear her footsteps anymore Merve asked me a questioned.

“Are you going to ask her while we are at Bondi?” after Merve said that Kate gave us a funny look, so decided to fill her in.

“I was planning on asking El to be my girlfriend but after what happened at the beinging of the week I don’t think she will want to” I said looking at Kate and Merve.

“Well whatever happens I can tell she likes you and you like her, even though it's only been a couple of days, so it will work. Now why don’t you go and help El pack, she will need it."

“Thanks for the pep talk. See you in the morning”

As I walked into El’s room I saw she had already packed her bra and underwear.

“Hey you” she said with a smile that made my heart melt.

Com on dude you are sounding like a girl, snap out of it.

What happened with the way you acted when you bumped into her?

Well clearly she had made her way into my life and is the girl that is going to change my habits like my brother said ‘you will find a girl you want to settle down with and you will get rid of this bad boy image you portray but this one girl will see the real you not the one at school’ and I think Eleanor might be this girl.

“Hey, here let me help you pack. Make sure you pack shorts, swimmers…..”

After about 30 minutes of us goofing around and packing at the same time we had finished. I looked at the clock she had sitting on her bed side table and it read 9:15 pm.

“Well I better am going to bed now, see you in the morning” I said as I went to walk out of the rooms.

“You can sleep in here if you want Ben, you did help me” she looked around and wouldn’t look me in the eyes. Aww she is nervous.

“Okay” I said as I pulled of my shirt and pant which left me in just my boxers and El pulled my top on that was previously on the ground and it came half way down her thighs because she was small.

We climbed into bed and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

“Good night El” I told her as I wrapped me hands around her waist pulling her closer.

“Good night Ben” she said to me as she snuggled into me more.


if you don't get any of the terms just ask me or don't know why El has coloured glasses and want to know what they are tell me. Just a quick update sorry if there are any mistakes. anyway can you guys who are reading this give me some feedback so I know how the story is going?? Yes? No? Maybe?

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