Chapter 1 - The Hangover

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 Waking up Hitched in Vegas


Chapter 1

The Hangover


Sex: The thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most trouble - John Barrymore


The sun was coming in through the crack of the curtain; a concentrated beam was right in my eyes. I groaned and cracked my eyes open which was a big mistake, the beam of sun was as bright as a thousand suns burning my retinas. I rolled onto my back and felt the worst wave of nausea sweep over me.

I moaned and slung my arm over my eyes. I had the world's worst hangover in the history of hangovers ... ugh ... What even happened last night? I wondered. The whole night was a blank; I could not even remember coming back to my hotel room.

I was on my honeymoon, or what was supposed to be my honeymoon. I was supposed to marry Justin two days ago, but the night before the wedding I had found him with another woman, that no good loser!

I had called him at 2 am; I was having a bit of a cold feet moment. We lived together but he insisted that he could not see his bride before the wedding; it was bad luck, so I stayed at my best friend's house. I called him hoping he could comfort me, tell me that getting married was the right thing to do, but when I called his cellphone, a woman had answered.

He was in bed sleeping with another woman!


When my girlfriends found out about my soon-to-be husband they hatched this plan to visit Las Vegas, which was supposed to have been my honeymoon trip with Justin. At the time I was too distraught to argue; I mean, the trip was all paid for anyway, so why not? So here I was with Cathy and Ariel.

The trip had been all right, but I just was not in the party mood. Last night we were scheduled to leave but I told the girls I needed one more night alone, just to myself, before I went back to home to Florida and dealt with the giant mess my ... ex ... had left me in. I had not technically cancelled the wedding, I had just taken off.  I knew I had a lot of apologies to make. I also had to find a new place to live since I had lived with Justin for the last six months.

I stayed in Vegas an extra day with the intention of just relaxing, which meant watching movies on Lifetime and gorging on room service.

Obviously my night had taken a different turn from my original plan, because here I was, in bed with the mother of all hangovers.

Trying to recall what I did last night was too painful for my poor brain. I dropped my arm down and opened my eyes again.  To my relief, this time it didn't hurt as much. I focused on the cream-colored ceiling until the room stopped spinning. I squinted and blinked several times, staring at the fancy ceiling light above me.

Where had that come from? There was no ceiling light in my room ... or was there? I couldn't recall if my room had that light there when I first arrived.

I closed my eyes and took a few calming breaths, stamping down the nausea. I should get some water ... water was good for a hangover right? I couldn't quite recollect what the experts said about it nowadays. I had not had a hangover this bad since my days of going to clubs, and those days were very limited. I rolled back to my right side and slowly opened my eyes.

Okay I can do this, I thought. Just put your feet down very, very slowly and ... crawl to the mini fridge for some water.

With my eyes cracked opened I waited for the room to come into focus. As I did so I stared at the sheer curtain that was letting in far too much light. Who uses sheer curtains in a bedroom anyway? I peered a bit longer at the silly thing, my brain slowly processing what it was seeing; the curtain was pulled over a patio door.

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