Chapter 11

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You see her when you close your eyes

Maybe one day you'll understand why

Everything you touch surely dies

Let her go by Passenger

Zak pulled back from Ana and he felt a surprising urge to just ignore the knock at the door and take her to bed. She had never looked so beautiful at this very moment. All her cares and worries were gone, she had abandoned herself to the passion, and she was magnificent. With a low growl he swooped back down for another kiss. Her warm lips opened up for him without hesitation.

Her hands slid up and she took off his hat and let it fall to the ground. She ran her fingers through his hair very lightly. He loved her feather soft touches. His thumb stroked her jaw; he tugged at her bottom lip sucking it into his mouth and softly bit her. Ana moaned just as a third, louder knocked was heard at the door.

With a frustrated groan Zak tore his mouth away from Ana. Her eyes were closed but a small smile tugged at her lips.

-"I think who ever that is, is very impatient to get your attention." She whispered huskily.

Zak chuckled and pressed his forehead to hers.

-"Whoever the hell it is, is about to wish they were never born." He growled.

He gave Ana a last glance before he reluctantly untangled himself from her. He hated stepping away from her and out of this moment, because right before his eyes he could see Ana drawing back from him, putting her walls back up. She straightened her shirt and fixed her hair.

He marched to the door extremely pissed off. He was finally getting her to open up to him and someone just had to interrupt them. With his hand on the door handle he opened it angrily. What happened next totally took him off guard.

He opened the door widely and was about to give the person on the other side hell but he never got a chance too. Instead he was met with someone's fist, right into the right side of his jaw. The knock had totally caught him by surprise. It had not been incredibly hard, but because he was caught off-guard he lost his balance and crashed into the open door. His glasses tumbled off at the same time.

Zak hand flew to his jaw line.

-"What the fuck!" He screamed, as he steadied himself and stood up straight.

Zak tried to focus on the stranger but before he could, the stranger cocked his fist again and swung. This time Zak saw it coming and ducked but not fast enough and he felt an explosion of pain near his eye.

He had enough of this; he swung back and connected with the stranger's cheek. But before he could swing a second time he heard Ana screaming and she then darted past him and put herself between both himself and his attacker, but she was facing him.

She cupped his face.

-"Oh my god!" She cried. "Zak are you okay?" He felt her running her thumb over his jaw. Zak didn't have a chance to answer though because she quickly whipped around. "What the hell is wrong with you Justin?"

Zak focused his gaze above Ana's head and he finally got a good look at his assaulter, which was in fact Justin. To Zak's satisfaction Justin's cheek was already turning a nice shade of purple, but what really struck him was the wild look in Justin's eyes.

-"You son of bitch!" Justin yelled over Ana's shoulder. "She goes to Vegas one weekend and you had to put your dirty fucking hands all over my woman!"

-"Justin!" Ana cried again. Her voice full of panic. "How did you –?"

-"How did I find out?" Justin interrupted, his angry gaze slid to Ana. "I was filling in on the Miami morning show; they do a gossip column and want to guess who the first story was about?" He took a step closer to Ana; his face was red with anger. "My fiancée and her new fucking husband!" He screamed right in Ana's face.

Waking up Hitched in Vegas | Ghost Adventures Zak Bagans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now