Chapter 2 - The runaway Wife

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Chapter 2

The runaway Wife


Running Away From Your Problems Is a Race You'll never win. – Unknown


I listened to the door quietly shut with a soft clicking sound. There was no going back now, even if I wanted to – not that I wanted to march back in that room and crawl back into bed with the gorgeous man who I had just left. I needed to get back to my room, take a long shower, change my clothes, go home and forget this crazy weekend ever happened.

But that wouldn't happen unless I found my purse, which contained my plane ticket and credit cards.

As I stood in the hallway contemplating my next move I noticed a maid with her cleaning cart in front of me. She had just finished cleaning the room across the hall. A pretty, middle-aged woman with an armload of towels gave me a bright smile as she watched me leaving the room.

-"Enhorabuena por la boda!" She boomed excitedly.

I had no idea what she had just said, in what sounded like Spanish. Sadly the extent of my Spanish had been derived from two years of Spanish class that I had not paid much attention too. I could ask where the bathroom was and since I had not picked up any of those words I assumed she wasn't asking me about the restrooms. So I simply smiled at the pleasant woman, gave her a nod and quickly headed for the exit.

As I walked down the endless corridor that twisted and turned like a maze my mind started to once again panic. I had been in bed with a man I didn't know. What the hell was wrong with me? I had never been a big drinker, except for the occasional glass of wine, but after this incident I would be swearing off anything with alcohol in it.

Finally finding the elevator I took the short ride down from the eleventh floor. Once in the lobby I rushed to the front desk. The woman with the nametag that read "Sally" was chatting on the phone. She gave me a polite smile and mouthed, "One moment." I gave a nod and tried my best to patiently wait.

As I waited, I felt someone stop behind me, getting in line. I didn't turn around but heard the man behind me talking loudly. His tone was short and annoyed.

-"He sent me the same pictures." The man paused, "I don't know what the hell is going on; I'm just waiting at the front desk to check if he's here."

It was obvious the man was on a cellphone since no one was replying back to him. Although whatever the problem was he was not happy about it. I wanted to casually turn around to get a look at who was so upset behind me, but the lobby attendant hung up her phone and turned her attention to me.

-"How can I help you?" She asked, her face still plastered with that polite smile.

-"I'm sorry, I just ... I seem to have lost my purse." I asked unsure.

-"Okay, are you a guest here? If you left it in your room the cleaning crew would have put it in lost and found."

I fidgeted uncomfortably. I had not totally thought this idea through ... What should I say? No I am not a customer; I was just here to have sex with a man I didn't know. I didn't even remember the room number I had been in. I bit my lower lip nervously.

-"Not exactly ... uhm ... its, see I was ... errr ... staying, I mean visiting a friend and I lost my purse. I'm not sure if it was here or somewhere else ..." I kept my eyes on the marble counter, unable to meet the woman's eyes. I was the worst liar.

-"I see ... "Her tone suddenly changed. "Well, no one has turned in a purse, but let me take your information and I will contact you if someone turns it in."  I knew she didn't believe me, but when I dared to glance up, her face was unreadable.

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