Chapter 18 - Anastasia Sorrow

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Please make sure you watch the video at the end of this story, not before.  :)

Anastasia Sorrow

Never underestimate the power of jealousy and envy to destroy. Never underestimate that. - Oliver Stone

When I crossed into the misty forest I felt the familiar disorientation for a brief moment and I was glad that I was holding onto Keane's hand. The warmth of it helped keep me grounded. We found ourselves in the same spot that I had been the previous two times I had been here, or at least I think it was the same spot.

Once I felt a bit more stable and not like I might fall over, I let go of Keane's hand and took in my surroundings. It was so disconcerting to leap through a magical doorway that led to a place with the likes that I had never seen before. There was something very still about the whole area, like a heavy silence. Keane was watching me very carefully.

-"Where exactly are we?" I asked turning to him.

-"You are still in the same spot that you were in."

-"I don't think so." I laughed. "I was in a creepy old house, now I am in a creepy old forest. So other than the creepy part, I don't see the resemblance."

Keane chuckled at my observation.

-"This world is exactly like your own, it's an exact copy, it has the same continents, the same oceans and rivers." When Keane spoke he had pronounced exackly, he had quite the adorable accent, it reminded me of a very posh accent.

-"Except there are no houses, or roads, or cars ... or people." I said as I watched a shadow dart in the distance.

-"There is no need for them here." Keane said simply.

-"Ghosts live here?"

-"Yes, I supposed that is one way to look at it. The souls are here because they haven't moved on, or didn't want to move on."

-"I don't really understand ..." I said exasperated as I looked around and watched a couple of shadows dart with super speed from the trees in the distance.

-"Let me start at the beginning then." Keane motioned for me to walk with him. "Long ago the Greek Gods ruled the earth, there was chaos until Zeus and his brothers took over."

I nodded stepping over a rock; I knew the Greek legends rather well.

-"I know the story ..."

-"Good, well fast forward a few years, humans wandered the earth and as is the life cycle, they were born, lived and died. When they died they would have to go in front of Hades and he would decide where those souls would go. If they were good they would go to Elysium and if they were evil they went to Tartarus. But a few humans ... their souls fought, they were not ready to pass on. Some didn't want to leave a love one. Others were just plain evil and knew what was waiting for them ... an eternity of torture, so their spirit stayed on earth. They wreaked havoc though as spirits, making the living humans leery and even afraid to go home, so as a solution this world was created for them."

We slowly walked as Keane told me his story; we soon came to a creek. I recognized the running water from the small river that ran not far from behind my father's old home. But everything was so different. The area was heavily wooded and there was a constant low fog everywhere we went. Keane stopped at the water line and gazed down at the rushing water. The water was a deep, murky black.

He wore a faraway look in his face, as if remembering the story he was telling me, but that was impossible wasn't it? No one could live that long ... Then again last week if you would have asked me, there were no such things as weird parallel worlds, and ghosts were just something that was made up to scare children.

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