Chapter 8

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I never meant you any harm

But your tears feel warm as they fall on my forearms - Mumford and Sons

Zak and I had viewed the apartment and it had been a little strange looking at a place with him. The landlady was a woman in her mid-sixties. She had been nice and she was quite taken with Zak, then again he seemed to have a certain charm with people. He showed interest in them, and got them talking about themselves, making them feeling important.

Thanks to Zak, the woman had told me she would change the carpets in the bedroom and repaint the whole place before I moved in if I took it. She even gave me a discount on my renters insurance!

I did sign up for the lease and afterwards she had shook both our hands and told us she was thrilled that such a lovely couple was moving in. I didn't have the heart to tell her she probably wouldn't see Zak again, since I doubted I would.

-"I should take you along next time I want to buy a couch or something." I joked as we got back into my car.

-"Hey, it's not my fault older women find me irresistible." He wiggled his eyebrow suggestively.

I laughed and started the car.

-"Well thank you, I got a great deal on a really nice apartment that I get to move into at the end of this month."

I was quite excited. This apartment was nicer then my last one, before I moved in with Justin, and it was in a beautiful location, I could even walk to work if I wanted too.

-"You ready for dinner? Because I'm starving." Zak buckled his seatbelt.

Things just seemed so ... natural with him here in my car. Us shopping and going out to eat.

-"You really don't have to go out to dinner with me again."

-"Again?" Zak gave me a side glance.

-"We had dinner together last night."

-"That wasn't dinner," Zak snorted. "That was just a disaster." He mumbled.

-"Well alright, but dinner is my treat, as a thanks for the amazing deal you got me, and for bringing me my purse."

Zak nodded and we took off. I took him to one of my favorite places along one of the Miami strips. The restaurant was on a large pier, every seat had a great view of the ocean and they had fabulous seafood.

It was right at the busy dinner time so we ended up waiting for a table. We waited outside where many people were waiting to be seated. The waiting area outside had a beautiful view of the beach but to my dismay the beach was also full of alluring women in tiny bikinis. Some of the men waiting were gawking while others elbowed each other to look one way or another.

Suddenly feeling extremely self-conscience I tugged at my shirt and felt myself shrink back into the shadows. To Zak's credit he never glanced once at the beach and kept his attention on me.

We didn't have to wait long for our table and to my relief we were not facing the side of the beach with all the half clad women, so I wouldn't feel so guilty when I ate dinner.

-"Have you always lived in Florida?" Zak asked after he browsed the menu.

-"Yep, pretty much. I traveled a bit, but nothing like you."

Zak smiled.

-"Yeah, I have been pretty lucky ... the places I've seen are pretty remarkable."

-"I guess, you found the perfect job for you."

-"And you haven't?" He asked curiously.

-"I'm not sure yet." I laughed awkwardly. "I like my job ... I guess. I just wish I could do more, but it just seems like I don't know," I sighed as I fiddled with the corner of my menu. "Like you get stuck in something for so long, even if it sucks, you stay because it feels ... comfortable." I rolled my eyes. "Okay that was stupid."

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