Chapter 16 - Heartbreaking Dance

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A/N: This chapter is quite long. I apologize for that.

Heartbreaking Dance

Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service - Shakespeare, Tempest.

I was falling ... Falling fast through an endless tunnel of darkness. I knew it was a dream, yet it didn't help make me feel less afraid. It seemed like I was falling forever until I hit the hard ground. I let out a small cry as my face hit the mossy soil. I opened my eyes and very carefully tried to sit up; making sure nothing was broken in the process. I slowly got on my knees and looked around. I was in a dense forest. A few inches above the ground was covered with a thick fog.

It was so strange, I was asleep, and I knew I was. I was in bed with Zak ... I could feel myself in bed, lying next to his warm body, but I was here, in this forest as well. It wasn't a dream ... I never had an experience like this before.

I scanned the area. I was in a small clearing, but all around me were pine trees and large oak trees, most of them devoid of leaves. The sky above me was an eerie aqua in color.

I suddenly heard from the dense pine trees a sound. Footsteps. My breaths quicken.

-"Ana ..." I heard the soft whisper of my name.

I tried to stand up but I couldn't move, I couldn't stand.

-"Ana ... where are you?" The voice called again, this time much clearer.

-"I - I don't know ... I don't know where I am." I called back.

The forest was silent once again. There were no birds, no sounds. From behind me I felt someone watching me, but when I turned my head around, a shadow ran from one tree to another.

-"Who's there?" I yelled. My voice climbed up a few octaves from panic.

I stared at where the shadow had darted too and out of the corner of my eye I saw another shadow of a form move. I twisted my head to look but there was nothing there, except trees and rising fog. I felt a sob of fright escape my lips.

-"Ana? Where are you?" The voice called again.

I fell forward onto my hands, my head sagged down.

-"I don't know where I am ..." I sobbed quietly, wishing I would wake up.

Why couldn't I wake up? Just wake up in Zak's bed and away from this freaky forest. Wake up! I screamed in my head. My fists tightened in a ball as heart wrenching sobs escaped from me. What was wrong with me?

I heard rustling so close to me but before I could lift my head, I felt a firm hand slide on my shoulder. I screamed and looked up to find Keane looking down at me with a sympathetic stare.

-"Ana, shhh ... You are alright, I won't harm you."

I finally was able to move and I scrambled to my feet away from Keane.

-"What do you want?" I asked, my voice sounded much braver then I felt.

-"I only want to talk to you."

I backed away shaking my head.

-"No, I want nothing to do with you. Is this another trick?" I kept my eyes on him.

-"No trick, I swear!" He held his hands up. "I just need to talk to you."

From behind Keane I saw a quick shadow dart again from one tree to another. I quickly looked at where the shadow had gone but there was nothing there. I looked back at Keane who had turned to follow my gaze.

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