Chapter 19 - Masquerade

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A/N: This chapter is a special chapter for Halloween, my favorite holiday! I had to do something special and I hope you all enjoy! This chapter is full of fluff so enjoy! ;) I really just wrote it for fun, I had never planned on this part (well except for the ending).

Oh before you read, those of you who follow me on Facebook and Wattpad know I was having a little poll for the best romantic song. By a very large margin, A Thousand Years, by Christina Perri won. So when you see the quote *music* in this chapter, turn on that song and enjoy a piece I wrote to the music, you might have to replay the part is long ... but music is of course not required.

Although I did incorporate two other songs into this special chapter.

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
'tis near Halloween.
- Author Unknown

The Masquerade

Going back to the hotel I let Zak drive. I felt numb. It was the best way I could describe my feelings.

Have you ever felt as if your life was spiraling out of control? Like you were falling and there was no way to stop the fall and devastation that was about to happen? Yeah, that was the way I felt...

I had been gone for three days. Even though for me, it had only been a couple of hours.

In the span of a bit over a week I had lost the man I thought I would marry, I married a total stranger that gave me butterflies every time I was near him. I learned that the man that had raised me had been lying to me.

My whole life was a lie ... My father was some sick, twisted man that wanted world domination, which I still found hard to believe, but thanks to him, I now had some strange otherworld creature wanting me dead, for god knows what reason. And to top it all off, there was another man ... Keane. What part was he going to play in all this, I didn't know, and I couldn't bring myself to think about that yet.

What I did know was that I missed my quiet life and I had no idea what I would do from this point on. I took a glance at Zak, who seemed to be just as deep in thought as I was. His handsome face held a pinch of worry to it. He also had quite a thick layer of beard hiding his chin, along with dark circles under his eyes.

We soon reached the hotel and I had reached a decision, which was not an easy one. I needed to take a step back and gather my thoughts. I also needed answers from the one person that I hoped would know something more.


One week. One whole week had gone by and I had not seen Zak. I also had not seen or heard from Keane at all.

Zak and I had talked on the phone though, we found ourselves talking to each other every day, along with sending several text messages throughout the day. We chatted about nothing in particular and it was rather nice. We purposely stayed away from the subject of the house, my disappearance, and most of all we stayed away from talking about Keane.

I had tried to speak to Zak about what had happened but that phone call had ended in an argument. Zak was convinced that Keane had something to do with my father's death. I wasn't so sure on that, and he thought I was too fast to trust Keane. But either way it was one topic we had mutually agreed to stay away from, although I knew at some point we would have to talk about it.

Zak had gone back to Las Vegas for a few days. He had a couple business meetings to attend with his show producers, but he was coming back to Florida today with Aaron, and I was quite excited to see him again.

He said he had a surprise for me, and I was dying to know what it was. But I was still no closer to figuring out anything about myself and how I felt about everything, but I did know I really liked Zak ... a lot.

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