Chapter 29 - Anastasia's Choice

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Anastasia's Choice

The loud tapping sound of the rain hitting on the window and the wind howling filled the quiet room. I slowly opened my eyes to see the dim light of the somber day filter through the sheer curtains.

I woke up, snuggled closely to Zak's chest, almost in the same position that I had gone to sleep in after we had both past out of sheer exhaustion. My lips curled into a satisfied smile as I recalled our night of passion. After our initial rushed encounter together, Zak had taken his time the second time around ... and the third time we had explored and teased until neither one of us could barely move. Even the dreary weather outside could not damper my mood today.

-"Good morning beautiful girl." Zak whispered softly, his voice thick from sleep.

The sheet and a single blanket were tangled around us, binding us together, pressing our naked bodies closely together. He was lightly rubbing his thumb over my skin between my shoulder and neck. Lifting my head I smiled at his handsome face.

-"What time is it?" I croaked out, my throat dry.

-"It's ten. We only slept four hours." His eyes were half closed and his face held a satisfied expression.

-"Mmmmm ... It was probably the best four hours I ever got." I grinned at the memories.

Zak was laying on my right side and I was cuddled up into his arms. He gave me a sexy grin.

-"Well I hope you got enough rest because neither one of us is leaving this bed today." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine and I returned the kiss but I gave him a light push with my hand at his chest and rolled away from him with a laugh.

-"As appealing as that sounds, I need to use the bathroom."

-"Fine ... I should probably take a shower ..." Zak groaned with a stretch.

He rolled onto his back with a smirk as I slid off the bed with the sheet clinging to my body, totally unconvering Zak in the process. My eyes greedily drank him in. The man had absolutely no shame about his body or nudity, and I couldn't blame him, he was gorgeous.

-"If you keep looking at me like that neither one of us is going to leave this room." He slowly stood and approached me with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

I found myself backing away as I wrapped the sheet around my body and clutched to it tightly. But the guest room wasn't exactly huge, and within two giant steps Zak was in front of me. With a wicked grin, he grabbed the sheet near my chest and tugged me hard into his chest, causing the sheet to loosen. He glanced down to my slightly exposed breasts which were crushed against his chest.

-"This thing is annoying." He motioned at the sheet that I still desperately clung too. "I prefer you naked." I blushed and shook my head no. "You are a beautiful woman, Ana." He grinded his hips into me and bent his head to my ear. "Do you think if you weren't, I would be hard for you?" I shivered and felt the evidence of his arousal pressed against my stomach. My heart sped up as Zak's lips grazed my ear lobe and he quickly moved to my neck.

But just as I was about to let go of the sheet, we heard the front door slam shut and the voices of Nick and Aaron.

-"Honey I'm home!" Aaron said loudly and the giggling of Cathy echoed through.

Zak stilled with a harsh curse, but I knew he was also partly anxious to see his friends. With a smile, I ducked from his loose embrace and went to my dresser to find something to wear as Zak gathered his clothing from the ground but with a frown of distaste he looked at his clothes.

-"Shit. I forgot to bring clothes with me."

I grabbed a new pair of underwear since my other pair got ripped, and I found another pretty sundress. I had quite a few dresses that I had never worn before but since meeting Zak, I had felt my confidence grow a bit and that maybe my ex, Justin, had not been right about being to fat to wear them. With a smile I grabbed the pretty dark navy blue dress.

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