Chapter 14 - Secrets

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A/N: A quick little author's note before the story :) I named this chapter, and I am in the process of naming the previous chapters I wrote to this story. I probably should have done this when I first started but short clever titles are not my forte.


A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. - Gloria Stuart

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and thankful that I didn't have any more weird dreams. I vigorously scrubbed my face after I sat up.

Images of Zak licking my breast came rushing back but I quickly pushed those thoughts to the dark recesses of my mind. It was just too mortifying to even consider that Zak had been only inches away and might have witnessed the incriminating act when I woke up with my hand between my legs.

One thing that was clear, at least to my subconscious mind, was that I needed to deal with my issues with Justin. If the dream wasn't a wakeup call, I didn't know what was.

I got up and stretched. I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Even though I had slept, I felt like hell. But there was no time for lollygagging. There was so much to do today. I needed to change and then Nick had said something about research before going to the house tonight.

Right now though the only thing that matter was changing and taking a shower. I felt so gross. I hated sleeping in my clothes. I quickly found my shirt and changed. I had no idea where Zak was. He wasn't in the room and didn't leave a note or anything. I also realized my phone was still in the car which was at Cathy's.

I found some paper and quickly scribbled a note for Zak telling him I was going to Cathy's. Her apartment was only ten minutes away and when I pulled in it was a bit after nine in the morning. It was the weekend and I figured she was still in bed so I was thankful I had kept my key so I didn't have to wake her, but when I came in, I was surprise to find Aaron cooking breakfast and Cathy sitting at the table, sipping her morning coffee.

When I came in all eyes were on me.

-"Ana!" Cathy said excitedly. She got up and ran to me, embarrassing me in the biggest hug I had ever received. She then pulled back but kept her hands on my arms. "I am so sorry! Please forgive me, I should have told you," she spoke rapidly as if afraid I would cut her off before she got a chance to finish. "I just love you so much, you are my sister and when Aaron told me I wanted to tell you but I thought Zak should, and you are both so cute together."

-"Cat, it's alright." I said.

But it was as if she hadn't heard me and kept rambling.

-"I mean you glow when your with it, you should see it, and I just didn't know what to do, I don't want you mad at me."

-"Cathy! It's fine!" I said a bit louder and forcefully.

-"It is?" She seemed shocked.

-"Yeah ... I mean I was mad at first, but now, it seems silly to be mad at you, with everything going on I need my best friend."

She squealed like a little girl and hugged me again.

-"Come on, Aaron is making me breakfast, come eat with us." She urged me.

-"Just give me a few minutes to shower, okay?"

My shower felt like heaven, and putting on clean clothes was like pure bliss. I wore a pair of old comfortable jeans and a simple black T-shirt. When I came back out Aaron was at the table eating and chatting with Cathy. It was rather cute to see them both so cozy together. Not many people got to see this side of Cathy. Most of the time, when we were out with people she was loud and funny and it felt like she was on, like she had to put on show for others. They expected her to be this way so she did it. But in reality Cathy was not always like that. She was loving and caring too.

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