Chapter 7

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A Kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. -Ingrid Bergman

We got to Cathy's dark apartment, inside I turned the lights on and I was thankful that I had tidied up before we had left. Not that Cathy was messy, but she often left her clothing all over the place. I often wondered if she just got naked when she came in through the door when I wasn’t here or in my room ... I glanced at the couch and shivered. Maybe its best I didn’t know what she did when I wasn’t around...

I set my keys on the table as Zak shut the door.

-"Nice place ..." He said walking in.

The front entrance came into a long hallway, on the right was the living room, to the left was the kitchen, and at the back were the bedrooms. I led Zak to the living room, feeling so awkward.

-"Errr ... make yourself at home, I'll get my book."

I rushed out of the room at super speeds and ran into my room shutting the door for a moment. I walked to my large mirror and frowned at the reflection. Cathy had done my hair earlier this afternoon, it had been so nice, straight and tame, but the Florida humidity saw that it wouldn’t last; it was now frizzy on the ends and starting to poof out. I tried to smooth it down with my hand but it didn’t do any good.

I sighed and grabbed one of my hair clips off the desk. I coiled my hair up and secured it with the clip. Of course a few strands fell out but I didn’t feel like spending an hour on my hair. I went to the side of the bed where I had my laptop stored. I gave myself a last glance sighing. I wish I was as pretty as Cathy - where my hair did what it was supposed to, where my boobs weren’t so big and I wasn’t so fat ... I shrugged and hurried back out to Zak.

When I came into the living room, he was sitting on the couch. The couch was facing the wall so Zak's back was to me. His long legs were stretched out in front of him. He was looking down at his phone, texting. His dark hair gleamed in the low light he had turned on. I took a deep breath and walked around the couch. Cathy had a large couch that could easily fit six people. Zak sat next to the left side of the arm. I sat all the way to the right.

-"I don’t have a printed copy," I said powering on my laptop. "I can just email you a copy though ..."

Zak put his phone down and turned his eyes on me, his eyebrow quirked.

-"Why are you sitting all the way across the room?"

-"Uhm ... I don’t know."

He gave a soft chuckle and scooted until his thigh was touching mine. I felt my breath hitch as his wonderful scent engulfed me. He smelled amazing; I found myself closing my eyes and leaning a bit closer into him. He smelled like a man should, not like Justin with his fancy cologne. No Zak's scent was earthy and fresh, like oak and moss with a touch of something much darker and forbidden.

I felt Zak stretch his arm out and put it behind me. My laptop beeped to tell me it was ready to be used. I brought up my email and attached the book.

-"Where do you want me to send it too?"

Zak grabbed the laptop and slipped it onto his lap and typed in his email, and pressed send.

-"You really don’t have to read it." I said to break to silence.

He still didn’t say anything but deposited the laptop next to him. He turned towards me, his face was serious.

-"Ana, I never do what I don’t want too."

-"Oh ... okay, well no rush, you know ... I know you’re busy ..." I laughed nervously. "But you know, you brought me my purse and you were really nice at dinner tonight, and now this... I don’t think I can ever repay you." I talked fast.

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