Chapter 13

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Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken

My hands shook as I stared at my screen with the big letters "Mom" glowing. I knew this call was coming but now was not a good time. I was really shaken by the woman who had thrown questions at us. Was this what I was going to have to live through for the next few months?

Zak rubbed his hand on my thigh.

-"Ana? Are you going to answer?"

-"Do I have too?" I whispered. I looked up at him. I was so scared.

How pathetic, I was thirty three and still scared of my mother ... Zak gave me a lopped sided grin.

-"I'm right here, you'll be alright ..."

I nodded and slid the answer bar. My hands trembled so badly as I brought my phone to my ear.

-"Hello?" I squeaked.

-"Anastasia Marie Campbell!" My mother shrieked into the phone. "What the hell is going on?"

-"I can explain ..." But she didn't listen.

-"I get several phone calls from reporters asking about you and your new husband! I told them that you didn't marry Justin that we moved the date because of your step father's schedule; I didn't want to tell them that you ran off like some wild child. But the reporter tells me that you were married in Vegas!" As she spoke her voice got louder and louder. "Las Vegas!" She yelled. I held the phone away from my ear cringing. "How could you do this to me, Anastasia?"

-"I'm sorry, mom, I -"

-"You're sorry?! Sorry? You got married in Las Vegas to a soap opera actor! How can I show my face at the country club?"

-"Zak isn't a soap opera actor mom, he's a ghost hunter."

I heard my mother let out a cry at the other end. That probably wasn't the best thing to say ... I glanced at Zak which was only inches away from me. I'd accuse him of eavesdropping but my mother's loud screaming was easily being heard through the whole car. He gave me a sympathetic squeeze on my thigh.

-"I cannot believe you hid this from me! I knew there was something strange going on when you returned. Did you think I wouldn't find out?" She asked sharply.

-"No ... I ..." I really had not thought much about it, truthfully. I had only known for a bit under twenty four hours, even though it felt much longer. After dealing with Justin and the emotional rollercoaster Zak was putting me through, my mother had not been a huge concern of mine. "I just haven't had a chance to tell you."

-"Yes, I imagine you been busy." She said with disgust. "Where are you now, Anastasia? I will not discuss your ridiculous rebellion over the phone."

-"I am not rebelling, mother." I said tensely.

-"Then why in heavens name would you run off and marry this ... this ... half-witted chav!" I felt my fist tighten slightly. My mother could get pretty cruel and she often said insults that most Americans did not know. I think she got a kick out of it.

-"I - I'm sorry."

-"You should be!"

I had so many things running through my heads. Great insults, come backs and so many words to say to defend Zak. He was not stupid or white trash like she thought he was. But as per usual I froze. It was like my mouth had broken and I couldn't speak all the words I wanted to say to my mother. Just once I wanted her to tell me everything would be okay, to tell me that she would support me no matter what happens.

Waking up Hitched in Vegas | Ghost Adventures Zak Bagans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now